Chapter 04.

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Kai's Pov.

I stood in the middle of the room, examining what's around. The room was filled with the scent of medicine. It's been so long since I've been to a dental but I'm not complaining the doctor is a lady, and she is nice.

She put on her gloves and a mask then took a seat. I felt a constant staring as I turned to the doctor, she was indeed staring at me. She looks quite old, but not much maybe in her thirties. Her blond hair has tied back in a messy bun and a few strands of hair on her face. Even with the mask on I can tell she is beautiful. In a flash of a second a memory came running to me.

The lady, at the cafe.

I remember that day, when I raised my head she was the one who was at the counter. The one Adam was serving. When she was walking out of the cafe I turned to thank her, but I was late.

We both stared at each other for a while. I hope she remembers me. Or- hope she won't choke me for being a jackass that day. The lady in the front came in making us look away. She handed the doctor some papers and left leaving both of us alone again. She went through the papers and a smile crept to her face. She looked up at me again.

" Kai Sasaki, have a seat. "

That is the most beautiful voice I've heard. It's sweet as honey in the ears. I felt heat in my cheeks when she said my name. I quickly nodded and slid myself into the chair.


The light flashed above me, making it hard to keep my eyes open. Not going to lie, I'm pretty nervous, I hate dentals at all costs. She prepared her tools and spoke with a smile.

" Would you mind if I played a song? " She asked, I hope she didn't see that I was nervous.

" Yeah, sure. " I said muttering the best smile I could because I'm still in pain.

She slightly nodded and turned to the counter behind her. Just then a song started playing softly.

' smoking cigarettes on the roof... You look so pretty and I love this view..

We fell in love in October, that's why.. I love fall... '

Is she.. maybe.. but... Should I ask.. no nevermind.

She hummed along the song and stared doing her job. I kept my mouth open as she checked inside. From time to time, I would catch her looking at my face and not my tooth. When she realizes that I caught her, she quickly looks away and I swear she's blushing under the mask. I find it really cute. As a matter of fact, I find her cute. Damn it!

It's all games till she placed her tool near the tooth, if it was someone else I would've punched the shit out of them. A sting of pain rushed through my head, I winced in pain and she noticed it. She pulled away.

" Mm.. hurting, isn't it? " She said placing the tools in the tray.

I slightly nodded in response.

" Looks like you'll have to do a root canal treatment. " She said, to which my eyes widened.

No- absolutely not. I cannot afford it right now and neither can Mama. Even if she could I don't want her to spend that money on me.

She looked to me waiting for a response and I spoke.

" Uh - isn't there anything else that we could do? " I asked.

" Is there any problem with it. " She asked in a soft voice.

" I cannot afford it at the moment, and I don't want my mother to pay. " She fell silent for a moment as if she was thinking.

" If that's the case, I can let you pay in installments. If you want to? " She said in after while.

My lips curled up to a smile at her statement. That'd be great. So, now she is nice and kind. Gotta give this a try.

" Yes, thank you so much!" I said to which she nodded with a smile.

" I'll clean your tooth and give you medicine for the pain to ease. Then come again on the day give you, alright? " She asked preparing her tools.

" Okay, " I said leaning back on the chair.

The squeal of tools echoed through the room, the light was blinding but my attention was on the blonde next to me.
Few strands of her hair fell on her face, she was gorgeous. Every move she makes just made me look at her with loss of words.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when a sharp tool touched the tooth area. I couldn't help but move my head, I swear to God if she kills me..

" Hey, hey! Don't move! " She said taking her tools out.

" Uh- huh " I replied with my mouth still open.

She leaned a little closer to my face, I closed my mouth not knowing what to do. Her floral scent flickering in my nostrills.

" You, be a good girl.. and let me do the work.. " she said in a low voice Almost as a whisper..

I gulped a lump on my throat which I had no idea it was there. My cheeks burnt at the sound of her voice. Okay.. a hot doctor.. a gay playlist playing in the background... And now she's flirting- or is she... Cut the cameras this ain't helping.

I slightly nodded and I could hear her chuckle. She turned around to the counters while I lie on the chair, Dazed and confused.

" You're finished you can get up now. " She said still having her back turned to me.

I got up and walked next to her, she was writing something on a paper. I should ask for her name.

" What's your name doctor? "

She looked up to me and removed her mask off, making me see her face properly now. I was correct she is gorgeous.

" Evelyn Brown, but you can call me Evelyn."She said with a sweet smile.

Evelyn, that suits her very well. Her eyes were on the papers. I stood there admiring her. Hold on- what am I doing?!she must be married!! Gotta stop doing this!

Should I ask... No, I'll find out.

" Kai, " she said looking at me now.

I was staring at the ceiling lost in my thoughts. I looked down to her.

" Here's the medicine. You can only take what I give you,.. " she said and stood up, I'm few inches taller than her.

" and.. no more painkillers, alright. " She said with the corner of her lips curled up.

" Thank you, " I said surprising her.

" You recognized?.. "

" Of course I did.. "


My Dentist Girl. { gxg }Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt