003: Art of Seduction

Start from the beginning

"Guys, don't call me that!" Alex whined.

Alysanne on his left while I walked to his right, she peeked at me with a devilish grin on her lips. We both knew what we were going to do, Alysanne is indeed my other half of our minds to be in sync like this.

"Oh, but why? You are our pretty boy!" We cooed.

"Stoppp!" He whined again, we found him undeniable adorable.

"Okay fine but first," I paused, as Alysanne and I kissed his cheeks.

"Oh my god," he whispered, staring at the ground with a slight smile that revealed his adorable dimples.

Walking towards the curtains that had the stage behind them, I stared at Alex. "Don't forget our song, babe!"

In his flustered state, rapidly pushing a few buttons, while cursing a few words of irritation.

"Aww! Isn't he so adorable? Damn! His figure is so hot." Alysanne giggled.

"And they say nerds aren't fun." See? Our minds really are in sync.

Alysanne chuckled, while we waited for the lights to shine upon the curtains, signaling for us to start. The mood shifted from its usual music to our song, I kissed the index finger of my finger as Alysanne did. Placing them together, we wished each other good luck. It became our ritual ever since we started performing together, slightly boosting our confidence and making us superficial at the same time.

The string of chords blasted through the speakers. "Bust Your Windows" by Jazmine Sullivan started playing while the luminescent descended upon the curtains, the show is starting. I walked through them, swaying my hips with the rhythm of the music. Slow and sensual, closing my eyes to embrace the other side. I drew my hand over my stomach, caressing my breast and drifting to the nape of my neck. A moan escaped me as I became consumed in the essence of the music, completely transforming me into someone that desired the attention of all the business men in this club.

This stage is larger because we have a guest tonight. Opening my eyes, I am met with numerous suited men than the usual amount that came. The place completely packed, all greedily sipping a glass of bourbon or whiskey, the scent of cigars filling me, an intoxicating smell that aroused me as much as spicy men's cologne.

I tugged on my bottom lip, a smirk forming on them from this amount of attention. See, a sick part of me reveled the attention of powerful men. Walking towards the pole, I lifted my right leg high as my knee rested on the pole. Dropping my head back, I knew the men had a clear view of my cunt, which is what I wanted. A smile on my face, while I returned to my original position, silence persevered but all I had all their dirty fantasies in the palm of my hand.

Situating myself in front of the pole, placing my hands behind my back, I knew my stature, my spine curved as my ass cheeks sat on the pole for men on the side to admire and my breasts pressed outwards to peek the curiosity of the ones in the front.

Swaying my hips from side to side along with the beat, I walked around the pole staring at the beautiful men in here. Hooking my leg around the metal. I picked myself and span around. Before planting my feet on the ground, the main course is yet to be served and I haven't even scraped the surface of my skills.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen. The actual show will begin, if you know what I mean." Tyler proudly announced.

"High" by Dua Lipa & Whethan started playing while Alysanne appeared next to me. One of the workers placed a chair behind us, twisted bitches knew the game is on. Scanning the room for Rio, we found him sitting in the front row. Both of us walked down, each holding his hand as we led him to the seat. His hair is disheveled, slight inky curls cascading upon his forehead. Those coffee infused orbs completely transported into another universe while he stared at us, a sexy smirk on his lips that inwardly turned me on. The attire matching the midnight did wonders, especially with his leather jacket that Alysanne always thought enhanced his appearance.

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