ii. attempted flirting

Start from the beginning

"We were going to help you five minutes ago but it was too entertaining," The Stark added with a small smile as he and Steve walked toward the vampires.

"We got a little lost," Rebekah told them.

Steve nodded understandingly, "It's hard not to. I still get lost sometimes."

Tony glanced at his comrade before looking back at the Mikaelsons, "I think we need to have a talk before we take you to the kid."

"Don't scare them too much, Tones," Steve told him before walking off, sending a smile towards the vampires before leaving.

— — —

Mia flipped Bucky's body over her shoulder before tackling Steve.

The former groaned as he landed harshly against the matted floor while Mia and Steve continued to spar. "You had to throw me so hard?"

"You," She paused as she landed a punch against Steve's side, "Probably deserved it."

Steve grinned as he dodged the punch before hitting his leg against her side, "He did."

Mia chuckled as she knocked out his legs from underneath him, "Stay down," She warned him as she held him down.

Steve glanced through the mirror and noticed the Mikaelsons had finally joined them. He grinned slightly, ready for some teasing.

"So, are you liking your soulmates? You don't want to come back to Buck and I?"

Mia rolled her eyes as she stood up before grabbing a knife, "I was never with Buck and you, Stevie."

She told him as she lunged towards him. He dodged, grabbing her arm and sent her flying to the ground.

Mia got up quickly, grinning as she did so.

"They treating you good, doll? We don't need to beat them up?" He asked as she knocked him down, holding his head between her thighs. He choked after a few seconds before patting her thigh.

"I don't think you could even if you tried," She told him before helping Bucky up who was still laying dramatically on the floor.

Bucky groaned playfully, "I'm dying."

"Shut up," Mia told him before pulling his body off the ground easily.

Steve glanced through the mirror once more. He watched the Mikaelsons stare at Mia like lovesick puppies.

"Knife training or cardio?" He asked as he walked back over to her.

Mia, who already held a knife, answered, "Knife. I hate cardio."

The brunette super soldier grinned, "Besides, Steve, I'm sure she gets enough with four vampire soulmates."

Mia rolled her eyes before chucking the knife at Bucky who sadly caught the knife before it could stab him.

"Too slow, Mia."

She rolled her eyes once more. "You're so annoying."

"Stop bickering you two," Steve scolded them before handing Mia a set of throwing knives. "Hit the target."

"Such a mom," She said, rolling her eyes, "Is the target Bucky or...?"

"The target on the wall, Mia. Not Bucky."

She gave him a toothy grin, "Just checking."

She continued staring at Steve as she threw all six knives, each hitting the centre of the target. "There. Am I done now?"

"Nope," Steve told her, causing her to groan, "Why?"

"You have company," He told her before dragging Bucky out of the room by his ear. He sent a suggestive smile to the Mikaelsons as he walked past them, "She's all yours."

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