"What's that music? Is there a town nearby?" Banshee asked

"I don't remember passing through a town here."

We followed the music until we saw a small lake with a little cliff with a single tree on it. You could see the city in the distance.

We looked around looking for the source of the music until we looked onto the tree. A man dressed in green was parched upon one of the branches playing the flute. We sat and listened to his song. It was beautiful. After he was done he finally jumped down from the branch onto the ground.

"Hey! Nice music!" I called out which seemed to startle him

He turned around and it wasn't a man? Well it was but he looked like someone who just turned 16. Wait a second.

We walked up to the cliff to greet him and he looked familiar. It was the guy that ran away while we were at the bar!

"Hey I know you!" I said

"You do?" He said

"Your that guy that we saw at the bar."

"Ohh yeah!" Said Banshee

"Well I'm usually seen there playing my songs or reading my newest poem." He said

He let out his hand.

"The names uh" he hesitated

"Gale." He said after a small pause

"Well, Gale I'm Astro and this is Banshee."

"Hello!" She said

"So what brings you here at this time?" He asked

"Banshee was hungry so we wanted to find something to eat."

"Hmm." He thought for a second before pulling out an apple and tossing it at Banshee.

"There you go!" He said with a smile

"Thanks!" Banshee barely finished her sentence before chowing down on the apple.

"So what about you?" I asked


"What are you doing out here at this time."

"Oh, uh let's I was calling an old friend."

"By.. playing your flute in the middle of the night?"


There was a small pause only thing you could hear was Banshee eating the apple.

"Want to hear the legend of the 4 winds?" He asked

"Uh what now?"

"The 4 winds? Don't tell me you don't know them!"

"I don't." I say confused

"Well I think you've at least heard the names Boreas, Zephyrus, Notus and Eurus. Right?" He asked

"The different names of the God of Wind?"

He looked confused.

"What? Is that what people have been saying?"

More awkward silence which wasn't being interrupted by Banshee's eating since she already ate the apple.

"Anyways, those aren't the different names of the Wind God. Those are the 4 winds. I'd tell you about them right now but that'll spoil my story." He said

"Well, I guess we can hear about them."

His face lit up.

"Ok, ok, ok!"

He cleared his throat.

A long time ago when the God of Wind roamed the land. He forged the mightiest beasts that struck fear into the hearts of any monster. The 4 Winds that of course blew wind in each direction. But on one fateful day. A Dragon attacked the land. It was a Dragon of Death. Parca. Destroying many different towns and villages. The people cried for the God of Wind but nobody heed the call. Until the 4 Winds fought back. A storm raged across the land formed by the 4 Winds as they attacked the Dragon of Death. The 4 Winds fought long and hard but they fell in battle. All but one. Notus. He watched his friends fall in battle. And as he stared down the wounded Dragon he plunged his teeth into the Dragons neck and ripped out his throat. The blood of the Dragon seeped into Notus's injuries causing him pain. Dragons blood can turn people mad just from being near a wound. Notus's pain grew louder. He called out to the Wind God for help. But just as the people never got a response. neither did Notus.

"The 4 Winds must have been strong."

"Indeed they were. Many people have since looked for Notus but to no avail. Some people are angry with him turning his back onto the city just as the people were with the Wind God."

"Wait, people are mad about the Wind God leaving?"

"Not so much anymore. The people have lost hope for the Wind God to return but they do still hold festivals and parties for him."

Gale stopped and started thinking.

"Wait a second. This might be random but could I ask you a favor? I promise I'll repay you."

"What is it?" I asked

"Help me find my friend. I must pay him a visit."

"I'll gladly help. I know what it's like to lose someone."

"Thank you. You are a kind traveler."

He looked up and saw the sun rising.

"We should head back." I said while looking at Banshee

"I'll see you later today. I'll be waiting at the City's church." He said while running in the direction of the city

We went back to the house to already find Andre already waiting for us.

"Where were you?" He asked

"We were looking for some food since Banshee got hungry."

"I wouldn't mind if you helped yourself to my pantry." He said

I let out a slight chuckle.

We walked to the barn and I saw the usual barn equipment until I looked at the stables and didn't see horses but weird hay bail test dummies.

"You are going to practice on these test dummies until I feel that you are ready to face me." He said

I grabbed a wooden weapon since I didn't want to damage my already dull blade.

The training began.

The Boy From The StarsWhere stories live. Discover now