The Fight

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The morning of the audition arrived and Bagsy found a letter dropped onto her plate at breakfast. 'It's from Philip,' Bagsy said to Mezrielda, who paused her eating in interest.

'What does it say?' she asked. When she noticed Primrose taking a seat nearby instead of shooting her a confident glare, as she previously would have, she ducked and focussed on her food.

The sight made the rage in Bagsy's stomach simmer. When she looked at her letter, her rage paused to make way for confusion. 'It says I've got the main part,' she said. Mezrielda's spoon stilled in her porridge. 'I'm going to play Rose Deprive – they've told me not to even bother showing up to the audition.'

'That's...' Mezrielda tapped her spoon against the side of her bowl. 'Peculiar.'

'Yeah.' Glancing around, Bagsy said, 'Maisy spoke to me yesterday. She said the acting troupe are the people responsible for stealing her sister.'

Mezrielda rolled her eyes. 'More fibs. Don't listen to her, Bagsy. The acting troupe are despicable for taking part in the sham that is Vampire Affairs, and for housing the breathing blight, but they can't steal a sister that doesn't exist.'

Bagsy tilted her head quizzically. 'What do you mean?'

'Maisy's been prattling on about her sister for years. Someone checked the Hogwarts records. Maisy Jewel doesn't have a sister, let alone one that was stolen.'

'Oh,' Bagsy murmured sadly. Had Maisy really lied about something that important? She'd spoken about it last year, too. Would someone really lie about something like that so many times? 'Either way, I'm in. I have rehearsal on–' She furrowed her brow, rereading the letter. 'The day before the first episode airs?' she muttered in confusion. 'That can't be right – surely they want me to prepare more than just one evening's worth...'

Mezrielda leant over and scowled down at the letter as well. 'This troupe is odd. I don't like it. Something is not right.'

Bagsy added, 'It will give me less chance to snoop if we don't have that many rehearsals.'

Mezrielda made an agreeing noise, pushing her porridge away.

Bagsy folded the letter and put it in her pocket. 'That does give me more time for what I was wanting to do, though.'

'What's that?'

Bagsy looked in the direction of Primrose. 'I think you know. Can I have your permission?'

There was a moment of consideration, then Mezrielda nodded. 'So long as you're confident you can win.'

'I am.' Bagsy stood, heart beating in her ears. The clanking cutlery and chatter died into silence as her mind focussed. She walked over to Primrose, who was chatting happily with Logan and Rebekah. 'Primrose,' Bagsy said, voice shaking.

Primrose turned to look at her, blinking innocently and resting her head on her hands. 'Why, whatever is the matter, dear Bagsyllia?' Rebekah and Logan giggled.

'Fight me.'

Primrose's mouth slowly opened. 'Uhhh...'

'You heard me,' Bagsy said. She noticed Mezrielda out of the corner of her eyes, arms folded, smirking in satisfaction. She looked as confident as she used to. It only fuelled her resolve. 'If I win you have to leave Mezrielda alone.'

Laughter began with Primrose, then spread to Rebekah and Logan, and even to the surrounding Hufflepuffs. As Bagsy continued to stand there, shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other, but maintaining her fiery glare, it subsided.

'Merlin,' Primrose breathed. 'You actually mean it.'


Primrose laughed again. 'Alright. But if I win, you have to get tested.'

Bagsy Beetlehorn and the Vampire Affairs (The Bagsy Chronicles 4)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt