Soon, Peter emerged, and made his way down the stairs like his siblings had. He seemed like he was on a mission, although, that was almost a default setting for him nowadays.  "Will you ride with us today?"

"Oh, please do!" Lucy bounced on her heels, excitedly.

Edmund smiled. "It would be nice to have your company for once."

"You can have my company at any other place or time, my Kings and Queens." Aramis regretted his words, but could not change them. "However, this is the one thing I must leave to yourselves, and yourselves alone."

"You do yourself a discredit." Peter nodded, passing the spirit by, tightening his belt. "And should you ever wish to ride with us, then it is always a welcome change."

"Thank you, my King."

Their kindness was unnecessary. They didn't have to be so wonderful, but they were. It was in their blood. And they had taken Aramis in like one of their own, even though he wasn't by a long shot.

"We should probably get going." Susan spoke up, some regret filling her voice. Perhaps she felt bad for leaving Aramis alone: the others seemed to. "Edmund was rather set on the hunt."

"Well, if you girls wish, you can stay here, and I can get the stag myself."

"You're insufferable, sometimes." The elder Queen shook her head at her younger brother.

The black haired boy retorted. "I don't mean to be rude, I'm saving you the pain of a short goodbye."

  Aramis tilted his head downwards. "I should let you leave."

  "No!" Lucy pouted. "You don't have to go!"

  "I'm afraid that if I stay I will delay you, my Queen." He could not bare to ruin their day. "And I would not forgive myself if I did."

     He bowed to each King and Queen, by order of rank. And then, moved to Lucy.

     Aramis took her hand gently, and kissed the back of it, as a nobleman night during courting. It was not his intention to offer any false pretences, but to appreciate what they had done for him, and give courtesy when it was due. She was a fine woman now, just as she had been when their paths first crossed.

     Although, he couldn't help but feel it come to an end. If not an end, then a pause.

     Then, he moved to Susan, who smiled at him warmly as he mimicked the actions. She had welcomed him like a brother, though there was no need to. Beauty preceded her, just as her mind did. Aramis could easily say that she was a wonder, and feel no regret.

     Edmund was next on the list.

     Aramis looked to him, and took his hand too. It was warm, but the nice kind of warm, not clammy, just... nice. He leant down his head, and brought Edmund's hand to his lips and kissed it softly. There was a sort of pause in the air, not that he minded so much. Only that, all eyes were on him and Edmund... and their small altercation.

  "Remember this, for when I see you next." Aramis told him, and it seemed like an age before Edmund even acknowledged what had been said to him.

  "I, uh, yes." He seemed rather flustered. "When I see you next."

     When it came to Peter, he bowed. Somehow, Aramis didn't think he would appreciate it in the same way as his siblings. So the bow would have to do.

     "My King." He honoured. "Until later."

  "You seem odd today, Aramis." Peter observed.

  Edmund snorted, losing the composure he had only just regained. "No more than usual."

  "Is something happening?"

  "Not that I can tell, my King." The spirit promised. "But please, enjoy your hunt, and bring back your stag should you find it."

     That was the last time that Aramis Eleazer saw the Pevensie siblings for quite some time. They did not return from their hunt, which meant that they had returned to their homeland, and he could not join them. Whilst he would not admit it, his heart did ache to see them gone when they had become such a staple to him.

     However, for them, it happened much differently.

     The transition from Narnia to England felt both rough and natural, and in an instant, they were themselves again, only younger. Younger, like the day they had all walked through together, all of those years ago.

     But when they were sprawled across the wooden floor in a spare room of the Professors home, Edmund could not deter his mind from one thing. And it was one thing that would nag at him for many months to come.

     They had left Aramis behind, and there was no telling if they would ever see him again.

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I do not own these characters. I do not own the Narnia series. I do not own the actors, or the characters. The only thing I own is my adaptation of the story, and my original character.

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