02| New Plebeian

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They, those who can't have what I do talk about "unfair advantages," branding my ambition as arrogance. They are Fools, and unloved because hell even nature hated them to hell and made them inferior to us.

The Power, they claim, corrupts. Yet, power is the sculptor's chisel, carving destinies with a casual flick of my pen. Every whispered secret during group projects, every professor subtly swayed with well-placed donations, another string tightened in the web of my influence.

They see limitations, I see potential. Money isn't just freedom, it's manipulation. It buys not just fleeting grades, but professors' favor, whispers of internships at prestigious firms – the very currency of their future. Happiness? A childish dream peddled by those too weak to seize control. True satisfaction lies in the power to sculpt their reality, to bend the rules to your will.

Some call me lucky, born with a silver spoon and a trust fund thicker than their textbooks. I scoff. Luck is for the losers, the undeserving. I am Jeon Jungkook, heir to an empire, not some capricious beneficiary of wealth. Soon, the corner office awaits, a testament to my brilliance, not some preordained fate. They see it as a privilege, I see it as a responsibility – the responsibility to conduct the grand symphony of wealth and power, a concerto composed by My father. By one and only Jeon Junsoo and I will continue this cycle

The bell's annoying shriek pierced through the hallway, making everyone scramble to their classrooms like a herd of panicked sheep. Meanwhile, I strolled leisurely alongside Aelyn and Jaehyun, enduring their mind-numbing bickering – a daily dose of chaos in my otherwise perfectly orchestrated life. These two bickered constantly, like toddlers arguing over whose juice box is shinier

It's like Groundhog Day, but instead of Bill Murray, we've got Jaehyun and Aelyn in an eternal loop of nonsense. Seriously, listening to their banter is like watching a comedy show on repeat—except the jokes get lamer every time

Honestly, it's exhausting being the only genius billionaire in a sea of mediocrity. But hey, someone's gotta keep this ship afloat, right? And clearly, it's not gonna be these two bickering buffoons.

Jaehyun, looking like the Mona Lisa after a rough night out, was full on a rant with his designer backpack slung over his shoulder like it was the last cupcake at a birthday party "These classes are more pointless than teaching a fish how to ride a bicycle," he waved his arms like a deranged windmill. "Who needs the quadratic formula? Last time I checked, I wasn't planning on joining a quadratic circus anytime soon! And history lectures? Please, I'd rather listen to my grandma's stories about her pet rock collection. Dust-covered textbooks and dead people? I'd rather have a staring contest with a potato! At least it won't bore me to death!"

And then there's Aelyn, reaching her boiling point with Jaehyun's endless rants, just like me. So she fired back with all the sass of a cat who's had enough of your nonsense. "Says the guy who probably dreams of napping through half of them anyway. And the other half, you were busy doodling pictures of sports cars in your notebook. I mean, seriously, do you even know the difference between a quadratic equation and a squashed tomato?"

Her words hit Jaehyun like a slap with a wet noodle, leaving him momentarily stunned before he recovered with a dramatic gasp, clutching his chest like he'd just been struck by Cupid's arrow—though in his case, it might have been a frying pan. "Doodling? I'll have you know, Aelyn, that my artistic talents are far superior to your... uh... questionable fashion choices."

Aelyn snorted. "Oh, please, spare me the theatrics. You only complain because you're secretly afraid of failing a pop quiz."

Another gasp from Jaehyun, this time so dramatic it could rival a soap opera's season finale. He clutched his head as if it were a ticking time bomb, his expression a perfect blend of mock horror and exaggerated indignation.

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