Chapter 54:💥 Family Day Chaos pt.3💥

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Everything seemed to be going well. I got to meet Fa Mulan and Li Shang, Lonnie’s parents, who are amazing! I even got to meet some Wonderland folk like the Mad Hatter, whose name I found out was Tarrant Hightopp, and the White Queen, whose name was Mirana.

Right now, I was with Evie talking to Belle about beauty tips while Ben was teaching Jay how to play croquet, Carlos was playing with Dude, and Mal was with Raelynn off to the side.

“You both look so beautiful!” Belle gushed, making Evie and I blush.

“Thank you. I love your nails, it goes really well with your complexion.” Evie complimented.

Just when Belle was about to respond, we heard a loud voice exclaim, “You!” And guess who it was? Surprise, surprise (not really), it was Queen Leah, or should I say former Queen Leah, who was by Mal and Raelynn, and accompanied by her granddaughter, Audrey.

Quickly, Ben and I made our way over to see what the problem (which the old hag most likely started) was.

“H-How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?” Gasped Queen Leah and as Ben and I came closer, I could see the accusing glare she had in her eyes.

(Tressa: could she be any more dramatic?!😒😒)

“Queen Leah, it’s okay. Maleficent’s still on the Isle. This is her daughter, Mal.” Ben intervened, trying to calm the old woman down.

“Don’t you remember Ben’s new Proclamation? To give the new generation a chance?” Raelynn voiced an arm around Mal.

You could see the disgust in the former queen’s eyes at that action, making me think she might be homophobic. 

(Tressa: Woooww. And I thought croaks were supposed to be kind and accepting of others 😒🙄. Talk about poser)

“A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us?” She asked, snarkily. By now, F.G had come over, and was trying to comfort her.

“You remember the poison apples. And the spells,” She looked at me first, then Belle and Beast, before her eyes hardened as they were set on Mal.

“The spells. My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother’s curse. So her first words, her first steps, I. Missed. It. All!!” Exclaimed Queen Leah with anger in her eyes and words.

I furrowed my brows in concern, not for the old hag, but for Mal.

Here is a young girl being yelled at and booted on by a grown ass woman, who she doesn’t even know, over something that happened when she wasn’t even born! That’s mental, emotional, and verbal abuse! Stepping forward, I intervened.

“With all due respect, your majesty, your anger is being targeted at the wrong person. Mal has nothing to do with what happened back then. And if anything, you and King Stephan were the ones who decided to give your daughter away to be raised by fairies.” I stated. A collection of gasps came from the crowd who were watching the drama unfold.

“How dare you!” Queen Leah gasped. I raised an eyebrow in a challenging manner.

‘Finally! We get to put people like her in their place!’ My subconscious exclaimed in glee, making me have to calm down from the pulses of magic I could feel at my fingertips, begging to cast a spell or two.

“How dare me?! You’re the one who’s trying to play victim when nothing even happened to you! You’re not Aurora, you know, the one who was ACTUALLY cursed. You’re not Phillip, who was the one who had to slay Maleficent in the first place. Now, here you are of old age, holding on to grudges as if you had any right to have them in the first place as if you were a petty child, and trying to induce emotional damage to a minor, who’s already gone through that most of her life!” I exclaimed.

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