Chapter 40: 💜Finding My Father pt.4: Andalasia's Secrets🤨

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*Nevaeh's P.o.v*

Since we'd left school, Ben and I had been flying all afternoon and early evening before arriving in Andalasia. With the amount of time that transpired between taking off and landing, Ben and I found ourselves cuddled up on one of the longer couches.

"Ma reine, it's time to wake up, we're here." Ben's voice echoed in my ears, his lips stirring me awake once they met my forehead. Pulling myself out of his grasp, I got up and stretched my arms, legs, and back.

"Your highness, I've just sent word to King Edward announcing your arrival." The pilot announced once he made his way towards Ben and I as we began to get our bags.

"Thank you, captain." Ben said before grabbing my empty hand in his own, and leading us off the jet. Once outside, I noticed how pretty the stars were and how we had landed on some kind of helicopter pad, but for a jet...however that works.

"Ahh, Prince Ben, to what do I ow the pleasure of this surprise visit?" A male voice asked, though the tone sounded too boisterous and cocky for my liking, but I kept that to myself.

"My apologies for the unexpected arrival, King Edward, but there was someone I'd like for you to meet." Ben explained, sounding like the king he was to be.

Up until this point, I had my back facing the two males, my focus on the stars and my mind on how I could incorporate them into a new design. Then, when Ben mentioned King Edward's name, my stepbrother, I mentally prepared myself before turning around to face the two.

I took notice of how his eyes widened and how he automatically reached for where his sword would be, only to be surprised to find it not there.

"This is Nevaeh. Her mother was Queen Narissa." Ben explained, warily eyeing the present king as he subtly placed a protective arm around my waist. After recovering from anger, shock, fear, and suspicion, an ego to rival Chad's surfaced in his eyes as he let out an obnoxiously proud laugh.

"My father died when I was 18. I don't think that wretched witch would've been able to conceive a child, especially one such as yourself." He said arrogantly.

I felt my left eye twitch while noticing Ben's tense form, as if he was mentally debating whether or not it was a good idea to bring me here, however, no matter how irritated this man has made me in just the five or so minutes of me being here, I won't let him get to me for Ben's sake.

Taking a deep breath, I relaxed myself before giving the man a proper curtsey.

"I'm afraid that I don't understand your last comment, your majesty, but with all due respect, I would like it if you would refrain from talking about my mother like that in my presence." I replied calmly and gracefully, mentally smiling once I saw Ben slightly relax as well.

"Darling, you didn't tell me that we were expecting visitors." A female voice announced.

Coming closer to us, I saw that the owner of the voice had dark brown, curly hair, olive skin, and brown eyes; she was wearing a silk, baby blue nightgown under a white robe, and matching blue slippers. When her eyes landed on me, I could see the fear and hesitation in them, and if I remember correctly of the stories my mother used to tell me, her name is Nancy.

"Prince Ben, it's a pleasure to see you, although I do question why so late." She said, making Ben chuckle. "Nevertheless, how about you two come inside and I'll have the servants prepare you both a room for the night." She smiled, but before I could even say anything, Ben took over.

"One room would be preferred, your majesty." He said.

"B-but, you're not married, it wouldn't be right, and besides I'm not sure if-" She stammered, but stopped altogether once Ben showed her our intertwined hands.

"She's my girlfriend, so there really is no problem." He said. I felt myself blush, and hoped no one noticed. Nancy gave us a sweet smile before nodding.

"Okay then, right this way. And by the way, welcome to Andalasia." She welcomed us, curtseying as she did before leading us inside the palace.


So The royal couple has now arrived in Andalasia! What do you guys think about Nevaeh's first interaction with her stepbrother?

Below are the original actors who played Nancy and Edward in the movie Enchanted:

You can't tell me King Edward doesn't look like an older, brunette version of Chad

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You can't tell me King Edward doesn't look like an older, brunette version of Chad. I mean, LOOK AT HIM!

Anyways, hoped you liked this chapter and stay tuned for the next.

~XOXO Queenie👑💜

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