Chapter 7: 🌃Night in the Museum Summary🌃

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Okay, so I'm going to save you all from what would've been a snooze fest of what happened at the museum. Instead, I'm just going to give you the summary.

So to rehash what happened that night, I met up with the others in Jay and Carlos' dorm room once Lonnie was asleep. We found Fairy Godmother's magic wand, which was good news, right? Well, yeah, except the fact that it's protected by a force field and an alarm! How did we find out about the alarm? Ask Jay, he was the one who decided to try and grab the wand.

Personally, I feel like a force field plus an alarm is a bit excessive and if it was me, I wouldn't put magical artifacts on display, but, hey, each to their own... I guess.

When I finally returned to my dorm, I was glad to see that Lonnie was still asleep. I changed into a silky, blue nightgown, removed my makeup, tied my hair into a messy bun before going to bed.

The bed was so soft and comfortable that I soon found myself out like a light.

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