Chapter 45:🥳 Back in Auradon😌

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(This chapter is dedicated to KorbynnDuncan who had this idea. I just added onto it and some. Hope u like it🥰)

*Back in Auradon*

Evie watched as roommate paced through their dorm all while she did her makeup in the mirror.
“Pacing back and forth isn’t going to bring her back anytime soon, but will only burn a hole into the carpet, M.” She voiced.

Mal threw her hands up in frustration, a groan escaping her lips.
“Ugh! I mean, she could’ve told us beforehand where she was going! Why on earth would she want to find a random stranger when she’s supposed to be helping us with the wand?” Groaned Mal before falling onto her bed.
“Well, this “random stranger”, M, is her father and my uncle. Frankly, I think it’d be cool to meet a new family member; I don’t think Serenity likes me very much, but from what I’ve heard, she has two other sisters, who don’t attend Auradon prep. Maybe we’ll meet them during Family Day next Sunday.” Evie expressed.

Mal raised her head up a little only to give the blue haired teen a blank expression before rolling her eyes, and laying her head back down.
Anyways, back to what I was saying. It’s totally irresponsible for her to ditch us for some old man. He’s a king, so what? He probably doesn’t want anything to do with her since she’s a villain kid.” Mal continued to rant and the more she did, the more annoyed, hurt, and angry Evie got.

If this is how Mal would react to Nevaeh wanting to find her father, she couldn’t imagine how the purple haired fae would react when she, Carlos, or Jay would want to find their other parent.
“Lunch is gonna start soon, we should go grab the boys.” Evie replied, wanting to stop her friend from talking bad about her cousin and just in general.
‘There’s only so much negative energy I can take from her before it becomes stressful. I do NOT want to get gray hairs and split ends from stress.’ Evie thought as she grabbed her purse.

Sighing, Mal got out of bed and followed the blue haired princess to get the two boys before the four of them headed to the cafeteria for lunch.


 Chad sat in his bed, laptop on his lap on top of the blankets. His roommate, Aziz, had just left a few minutes ago to head to lunch. When he saw that Chad wasn’t getting up to follow, he raised a brow.
“Aren’t you coming down?” He asked.  Chad shrugged as he pretended to click on things on his screen.
“Just have a few more questions to finish, then I’ll meet you down.” Chad replied. Nodding his head, Aziz left their room, and went to lunch.

Once he was 100% sure that he was gone and wouldn’t be back, Chad pulled up the hidden tab he had on his laptop, revealing the porn video he was previously watching. Just as he was about to press the unpause button and continue the video, his eyes drifted to his closet where his secret box was.
‘It doesn’t smell like her anymore.’ He thought, thinking about the secret black panties he stole from Nevaeh’s room. He’d jerked off so much and so hard in them that they’ve begun to lose any hint of her scent in them.
‘Time to get myself a new souvenir.’ He smirked to himself. Closing his laptop and putting it aside, he got out of bed still wearing clothes before straightening them out, and then leaving his room.

Making sure he wasn’t followed or being watched, he made his way back to Nevaeh and Lonnie’s dorm. Twisting the handle, he slowly cursed to himself when he found it to be locked, but mentally smirked when he remembered how to pick locks with a bobby pin, courtesy of Audrey teaching him when they were younger.

Getting the pin from his pocket, he began his task of unlocking the door, checking every few seconds to make sure no was coming.

After a vigorous few minutes of twisting and turning, he smiled in triumph when he heard the click of the door unlocking. Letting himself in, he quickly closed the door behind him, and went to work.

He went to her hamper before reaching to the very bottom, and pulling out a deep blood red, lace pair of panties. His eyes widened and the words flew out of his mouth faster than he could think of them.
Holy. Fucking. Shit! She’s such a slut!” He exclaimed. Grinning, he held them up to his nose, sighing in bliss at the familiar smell. Not wanting to dwell in the room for too long, he pocketed his new treasure before slipping out of the room.

                ~A Few Minutes Prior~

Slowing down to a jog was Lonnie, who had gone on a run for her free period when suddenly she got a call. Answering her smart watch, she paused her motions to take a breather.
“Hello?” She answered.
“Hey, Lonnie,” Nevaeh’s voice replied back, shocking the Asian girl.
“Bitch! I thought you were dead!” Exclaimed Lonnie, ignoring the looks from passersby who might’ve heard her and instead paid attention to her best friend’s giggles of laughter.

“Oh, sure, go ahead and laugh at my concern for your well-being.” She said sarcastically.
“I’m sorry. I’m actually very much alive and I’m with Ben. Say hi, Ben.” Nevaeh voiced. She and Ben had just arrived back in Auradonand were in the limo on their way back to campus.
“Hi, Lonnie.” Ben’s voice echoed through Lonnie’s earpods, making the girl grin. 
“Hey, Ben. So, where have you been that’s had you been so busy to not even text me?” Lonnie asked as she made her way to the dorms.
“Ben was helping me find my father. I’ll tell you all about it later, or maybe at lunch since Ben and I are almost at school.” Nevaeh replied.

“You better. I’ll see you soon, I’m gonna take a shower real quick before heading down.” Lonnie replied before goodbyes were exchanged, and the call had ended.

Just as she was nearing the hall where, once you round the corner, you’d be in the girls’ dormitories, and where her dorm was located, she bumps into Chad, who had rounded the corner and was making his way to his dorm. 

“Uh, what are you doing here, Chad?” She asked, an eyebrow raised. The blonde prince shrugged carelessy.

“Just taking a walk.” He answered.

“Near the girls’ dorms? Near MY dorm?” She pressed.

“Geez, Lonnie, chill out. Not everything has to be about you.” The prince replied before continuing his walk, leaving the young warrior confused, suspicious, and on alert.

When she got to her dorm, her suspicions were raised when she found the door to be unlocked.

‘Did I not lock it?’ She thought to herself before entering the room on guard. Upon seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she shrugged, and went to begin her shower.

“Maybe I just forgot to lock it.” She mumbled to herself. Little did she know that eyes would watch her, and that she had just passed the one responsible.

His Wickedly Enchanting Princess ◇《Prince Ben x oc》◇Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang