Chapter 3 - Wrong Timing

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17 June 2023

Mandisa fell to her knees, the horror of what had happened dawning on her. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She was in the right place but it was in the wrong time period. Mandisa gently put Hiccup on the grass before she looked closely at the time machine.

It was stuck closed and when she finally opened it, Mandisa realized what the problem was. The time configurator was out of place. It must have happened when Hiccup moved in my arms earlier, Mandisa thought, sighing as she moved the broken piece back into place.

Mandisa closed the time machine, carefully placing it around her neck. She needed to fix it if she wanted to go back, her only problem was that she needed proper tools, some of which she didn't have on hand.

Her best bet would be a lab but Mandisa was basically in an unknown world. She didn't know how things worked in the future or how she was going to get everything she needed.

"Why hasn't anyone thought of writing a manual for time traveling problems?" Mandisa muttered as she pulled out Hiccup's dog leash and some food from her bag.

She bit into the breadstick and worked the leash on the sleeping dog's collar. As she did so, Hiccup woke up and got excited, thinking they were going to play.

Mandisa smiled at the dog, getting up. With the bag on her back and the leash in hand, the two started walking around the park, Mandisa trying to find some information about the future world.


Mandisa sighed heavily as she sat down on a park bench. It was late afternoon now and there was no one in the park. She couldn't figure out anything about the world and the one community board she did find was written in a weird language she couldn't read.

It made her wonder what languages were spoken in the future and if English still existed in this future. She hoped it did because she was going to have a very difficult time if she couldn't communicate with other people while she was stuck in the future.

Mandisa took the bag off her back. She grabbed a water bottle and Hiccup's bowl, giving the dog some water to drink before she had some water too.

"Hopefully we'll be able to get out of this mess..."

Mandisa turned her head to the side and dropped her empty bottle in shock.

It can't be, Mandisa thought. It's not possible.

On a walking path a few meters away was a tall man running. But it wasn't the fact that he was one of few people she had seen today or the weird bodysuit he was wearing.

No, it was the fact he had shoulder-length dreadlocks, golden eyes that sparkled in the sun and light brown skin. The face, body, everything that was familiar to Mandisa once.

Mandisa found herself staring at Anele.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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