Chapter 2 - Valentine's Day

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14 February 2017

Mandisa walked through the Maclen park, enjoying the gentle summer's breeze. It was late afternoon in the park and a few people were around. There was a couple taking a stroll on the walking paths, a family playing with a dog on the grass and a few elderly people doing their daily run around the park.

Mandisa walked past them all, heading for the lake on the other side of the park. Anele had called her, saying he had something important to ask her at the park. Mandisa had just finished her classes, so rushed through some light traffic to get to the park in time.

As she got closer to the lake, she spotted Anele leaning around the metal railing placed around the lake. He was throwing pieces of bread at a group of ducks. Mandisa watched him for a few moments, watching how the setting sun made his light brown skin glow.

Anele is like an angel who fell from heaven. Mandisa thought before she blushed suddenly.

Shaking her head, Mandisa kept muttering to herself about not ruining their friendship, because Mandisa had developed a huge crush on Anele and no matter what she did, it wouldn't go away. She didn't know how Anele felt and was scared about asking and ruining what they had already.

Their friendship was special and Mandisa felt it was more important than her heart. Mandisa sighed, wishing the thoughts away as she walked up to Anele.

"Hey Anele." Mandisa called out as she neared to where he was standing.

Anele turned and grinned widely. He waved at her and replied, "Mandisa!"

When Mandisa finally got to the railing, Anele pulled her in for a hug. "I missed you."

Mandisa melted into the hug. "You saw me yesterday at Melina's party."

Anele laughed, pulling out of the hug. He leaned against the railing and looked at Mandisa sheepishly. Mandisa stared at him for a second.

"Spill it."

"Well, this is not how I wanted to do it..." Anele muttered. "Movies are so wrong."

"Wrong about what?" Mandisa raised an eyebrow.

She was confused about the way Anele was acting right now. Normally, he would be carefree and say what was on his mind. But now he was acting nervous as if...

"You're not moving away?!"

"What?! No!" Anele exclaimed in shock. He sighed, a little frustrated. "Damn okay. I'll just say it.... Will you go out with me?"

"Huh?" It took Mandisa a moment to process the words. "Wait what?!"

"You don't want to...?" Anele was saddened a little. "Guess I read it wrong, huh. Well, this is awkwa-"

"No!" Mandisa interrupted. "I mean, I'm a little shocked but..."

Mandisa closed her eyes, feeling a little nervous and excited about what was happening. She was trying to process everything that had happened.

"I like you too..." Mandisa finally said, opening her eyes.

Anele was staring at her with a look Mandisa was unable to recognize. They stood there for a few moments, both trying to process what the other had said. Then Anele suddenly pulled Mandisa into a hug, twirling her around.

"I can't believe you said yes!" Anele said. "I'm so happy right now."

Mandisa laughed and soon Anele stopped moving around but this time he didn't pull out of the hug. Instead, he looked down at Mandisa and smiled softly.

"So, we're official then?"

"Yeah, we are, I guess." Mandisa smiled back before snuggling closer. "I officially dub you my geeky boyfriend."

"Okay, nerdy girlfriend." Anele laughed and the slight awkwardness between the two died.

The two continued hugging each other before they pulled away. They moved closer to the railing to watch the sun set.

"So, who came up with this idea?" Mandisa asked, turning to look at Anele.

"Brenda." Anele replied, looking back at Mandisa.

"Oh my gosh. You trusted Brenda for romantic advice."

"Well, it worked didn't it."

"True but next time, ask her girlfriend for advice." Mandisa muttered a little.

"Don't you trust our guild master?" Anele smirked.

"For gaming, yes. Romance no."

Anele laughed again and Mandisa smiled. Anele suddenly stepped closer and ran his hand across Mandisa's cheek.

"Can I kiss you?"

Instead of answering, Mandisa threw her arms around Anele's neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Anele pulled her closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. As they continued to kiss, the sun finally set.

At that moment, Mandisa felt the happiest she had ever been. She was glad to be in the arms of the man she loved the most in the world.

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