Draco nodded and smiled. "She loves you dearly, but she knew if she revealed where you were, they would have killed you."

"Cissy always wanted to keep me safe, I just wish things had been different sooner." She replied as she went over to the crib that was in the living room and took a small boy with turquoise hair out and into her arms. "Draco, Aurora... I'd like for you two to meet Teddy, your new son."

He turned his little head toward Aurora and she felt a feeling in her heart she'd never felt before. This little boy had already had Aurora wrapped around her finger. She reached her arms out to hold him and instantly, Teddy was drawn to her, the way she was to him.

Once he was in her arms, she felt a love that was unable to be described. She had loved her daughter beyond words. But she had never lived and the moment she had held her, she still hadn't processed any bit of it. She couldn't understand that a baby had even been in her arms, but with Teddy, it was different.

"Hi Teddy," Aurora said softly. "I- I'm Aurora, I'm going to be look after you. I promise to always protect you and always tell you how much your Mum and Dad loved you. How they fought for you, to keep your safe here."

Draco's eyes gleamed as the little boy reached his hand to grab Draco's finger. Something Draco had always talked about with their daughter, how her hand was too tiny to have grabbed his finger. But now, a living, happy, baby, was clutching his finger. Smiling at him.

"You're a Mum now," Andromeda said. "You're his Mum..." Her smile was genuine, but being a mother didn't sound right, it felt like she was taking that away from Tonks.

"Am I?" Aurora asked nervously. "I don't want to over step-"

Andromeda chuckled and shook her head. "My daughter left that night and told me exactly what she told you, how she wanted the two of you to care for him, but did she tell you why? Why you both?"

Aurora and Draco both shook their heads.

"Because you lost your baby girl. She knew if she and Remus died, which, they did, that you'd complete each other. Teddy would need a mother and father, and you'd be filling that piece of your heart that was missing your baby girl. She told me that you will be the best Mum and Dad to him... So please, be his Mum and Dad, let him call you that, if he asks about them, tell him all the stories, tell him how they were soldiers, and tell him how loved is..."

Aurora nodded.

"My mother did the same thing when she left me for Severus... She didn't want me to know any different, she just wanted me to be loved and to have at least one parent since I couldn't have both..." She replied.

Andromeda kissed Teddy on the head. "I'm going to miss waking up to a new hair color each day. Watch out for that, he likes to play tricks with his hair."

The moment Draco took the boy into his arms, he looked at Draco and smiled. Letting out a little hiccup and then his hair changed from turquoise to the same blonde hair that Draco had.

She could tell that his heart skipped a beat for a moment. A wide smile appeared and Draco chuckled and pressed his nose to Teddy's.

"I love you so much already," Draco said to him.

 Months went by and Draco had started working as an apprentice at the Ministry in the Dark Artifacts department. Arthur Weasley had helped him get the job there. Aurora was lucky enough to be a stay at home mom with Teddy, which she hadn't realized was a full time job all in itself. Especially with a magical baby, who already had been showing signs of magic aside from just changing his hair color.

Once a month, the Weasley family hosted a dinner at the Burrow and each month, Draco and Aurora were invited to attend with Teddy, and it just so happened tonight was the date of the monthly dinner, which would be the first in three months since Aurora and Draco had last gone, because they had been trying to hard to adjust to having a child, owning a home, and life as adults outside of Hogwarts.

THE SECRETS OF THE MANOR (Draco Malfoy x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now