Chapter 20: Hill 539.

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(Note: This Story is centered around the Games centered in WW2.)

The Scene opens up in a Camp in Mistral, and they are in a forest, and the whole area is like Hürtgen Forest, Summer is seen with her Daughters and Team RWBY, alongside Daniels.

Daniels: On how I found Summer, I heard that a German Naval Base was being Attacked by Zeros, which was weird, because the Japanese were on our side. And then we see a burst of red petals, I thought it was you Rubes, when I was about to get on a Flak Gun, One of the planes just went out of control. Then I keep on firing on the Zeroes and then I see the friendly ones shooting them down. I assist them and I see the one who shot down the plane, and it was Summer.

Summer: Yeah, I decided to be a Medic, because the Pay was higher.

Ruby: You know mom, Uncle Qrow was drinking a lot.

Yang: Yeah, but I noticed, some Huntsmen and Huntresses joined all branches of the Military.

Everyone hears that they are headed to Hill 539, also known as the Hill-Fort. They all grab their weapons, as everyone heads into vehicles leaving for the Hill. Until after they left the forest, a bridge blew up and the truck carrying 5 American Troops fell onto the river, carrying the truck away.

Daniels: Damn! The Bridge is destroyed!

Turner: I want engineers over by the destroyed bridge, rebuild it.

The engineers quickly build the bridge as everyone gets across, but the Tanks decide to stay behind and later on, Daniels grabs his Rifle, but it ain't an M1 Garand or an M1 Carbine, but it was his old Winchester M1894 Lever-Action Rifle, when he was younger, but he decided to bring it into the frontlines, but kept his Thompson as well, later on, he sees two Soviet Scouts, and he lowers his Rifle, as they move on, they get ambushed and the Russian Scouts are killed, and a WF MG Nest is seen opening fire on them, but without a second thought, Ruby kills the MG Crew, and they find the MG Nest, and take the Ammunition Boxes, including the salvaged MG42. Yang decides to put her M1919 Away and Takes the MG42, and they move, and arrive at Hill 539, but something is wrong, the Machine Guns are not Firing, and the Enemy is nowhere in sight, they go and find that all of the enemies are dead, and they find the enemies with their throats cut open, bullets in their head, and some of the corpses have burns all over, and some were completely turned into charcoal. It would mean that someone or something killed them all. 4 Germans Arrive and get inside the Trench and meet with the Platoon, and when they enter a bunker, there is a bad stench.

Daniels: *coughing* GOD, That Smell!

Daniels covers his mouth and finds 6 dead WF Members, Male and Female. He later kicks down a door and almost gets gunned down, and finds someone charging at him and they both fight, and after the fighting, Daniels says this.

Daniels: You Don't look like a White Fang Member, are you an American?

?: Yeah.

Daniels: Your name?

Hank: General Hank Rideau, Bureau of Archaic Technologies.

Daniels: 1st Lieutenant Red Daniels, 1st Infantry Division, 16th Infantry Regiment.

Daniels hands Hank his M1928A1 and he keeps his Lever-Action and after encountering a WF Tiger, Turner heads to the vision port and kills the driver, and the assistant driver, Pyrrha gets on top of the Tank and pulls the pin of a MK2 Incendiary Grenade, but is shot before she could drop the Grenade, but is pulled away from the Hatch by Zussman and he gets off, and the turret is sent flying, and it lands into an Artillery battery, crushing it. Pyrrha is dragged and is taken care of by a medic, as the enemies appear, and Hank is given a MK2 Grenade and a Helmet, then he opens fire with the Thompson as Daniels kills one with his M1894, and then another, and another, and another! He racks up kills with his Lever-Action, until it gets shot off and he uses his M1911. And after that, the tanks arrived and kill the enemy Reinforcements.

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