Chapter 5: Dance Party with two Soldiers.

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The Scene opens up with Daniels shaving his beard, and he is thinking that wearing his green Infantry Uniform won't impress the girls, so he wears his Ceremonial Uniform in Tan Color. Zussman also wears it, but they think of something.

Daniels: We should conceal our weapons, we're both unarmed when we don't have a gun.

Zussman: I agree.

They conceal their Sidearms and go ahead to meet Ruby and Yang. It later cuts to the two sisters and they are waiting.

Yang: Where's Z?

Zussman and Daniels come and they escort them to the ballroom and they dance, when Ruby heard noises from the CCT, Daniels tells Zussman that he's gonna find Ruby. He Pulls out his Enfield after he got out, he finds Ruby fighting someone and he fires two 38 S&W Rounds from his Revolver, then he fires off all 4 rounds left, Cinder blocks two of the previously fired rounds, but all three hits her palm, knee and leg. She clutches her palm, and Ironwood comes and sees Cinder, Daniels, and Ruby.

Ironwood: Would someone care to explain this?

Daniels: Well Amber Eyes here was fighting Ruby and she planted some device as what Ruby told me. I think her name was Cinder.

Ironwood picks up Cinder from the floor and she swears to get the Corporal next time.


Daniels: *to himself* Turner, your gun proved to be useful. Thank you Lieutenant. I hope I get promoted.

Ruby: Are you okay Ron?

Daniels: I was talking to myself, thanks to Lieutenant Joseph Turner, my former C.O, his gun was useful. He died in Hill 493, in the Hürtgen Forest. He said this before we retreated off the hill. No Sacrifice too Great, I always remember what he said.

Ruby: That Turner guy of yours must be born with the spirit of a Warrior or a Huntsman.

Daniels: Yeah, he did, he rebuked my second and current C.O, Sergeant Pierson, because when he sees an Opening he would take it.

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