Chapter 13: Yankees, Brits, and Krauts fighting alongside.

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(If there are Germans reading this, I hate using the word kraut)

The Scene opens up with a 5 tank convoy and the Girls are riding on Perez's Sherman.

Perez: I thought you 4 weren't allowed to fight.

Ruby: Recruiter sent us to the 1st Infantry, no wonder he saw our combat skills.

Perez: Alright, Let's move!

The tank engines are heard rumbling and then the tanks start moving.

Perez: Hey Team RWBY, you wanna know why he always keeps riding you?

Blake: I wanna know. Like really.

Perez: It's because of the incident in Beacon Academy.

Stiles: A lot of students, including soldiers lost their lives by getting crushed by rubble.

Aiello: See those vehicles there? These idiots never stood a chance to our Shermans, I ain't kidding.

Zussman: Although to counter against our Shermans, they used rocket Launchers, and salvaged Bazookas, off our slain compatriots.

Ruby: I don't like that noise, doesn't sound like one of our P-47s.


A Sherman is blown up by the enemy aircraft and then the soldiers get off the tank and they move to a barn and there is an MG Firing at them.

Turner: Daniels, I need you and Team RWBY to flank them on the right, we're going left.

Daniels: Roger that, On me girls!

Daniels opens fire with an M1 Garand as his secondary weapon and kills an enemy, then they clear the barn and they hear an AA Gun.

Daniels: Just cover me, I'm going for the Flak Gun.

Ruby: You heard the Sergeant! Open fire!

Ruby made it to the rank of Sergeant while Daniels made it to Technical Sergeant. Weiss is Corporal and Yang is also on the rank of Corporal, and Blake is on specialist.

Daniels: Got a plane down!

Ruby: 2 O'clock!

He moves the Flak Gun and downs another plane.


Blake: Guy on the radio's mad as heck!

Yang: 11 O'clock, HIGH!

He keeps Firing as more of them are approaching but they are still shot down. Until 5 more appear but get shot down by P-47 Thunderbolts.

Daniels: Planes are gone for now.

Perez: Thanks for the fire out there Daniels, The bastards just got new Pak-38 AT-Guns.

Daniels: Turner, I'm gonna go and get to the Artillery, you can guard the tanks sir, its good to split.

Turner: Pierson, Aiello, Team RWBY, go with Daniels.

Jaune: I'm gonna help Turner. Team CFVY, move up with Daniels.

They all move and Weiss asks on what are Pak-38s.

Weiss: Perez said about Pak-38s, what the heck is that?

Stiles: Tank killers, used by the Krauts back in France. Now it's used by these anti-human faunus.

Weiss: What's that supposed to mean?

Aiello: In English, that means Anti-Tank Guns.

They see a P-51 Mustang already destroyed and they later see Civilians gunned down and hung.

Daniels: F***, These are civilians.

Ruby: These guys will pay the price.

Weiss: No s***.

They see the fighting and Ruby equips Crescent Rose. And Pierson marks her targets.

Pierson: Hit the AT Gunners!

Ruby uses a fire dust round and shoots a gas canister and they are getting burnt, and then she uses the normal rounds and kills the last remaining AT Gun operators.

Pierson: Clear the trenches!

They all kill the remaining ones and when another AT Gun Destroys a Sherman, somehow a Stuka bombs it and Wehrmacht Tiger and Panzer tanks start destroying the enemies, including SS Troops help the Yankees, and later on, British RAF Spitfires destroy the vehicles coming there to threaten the American forces.

German SS Oberleutnant: (Are there any bastards left?)

German Wehrmacht Feldwebel: (I don't see any threats now Lieutenant.)

Daniels: The f**k are the krauts doing here?

SS Sergeant: We decided to switch sides and help with destroying the threat here Sergeant.

Daniels: Thanks, we ain't kidding.

SS Sergeant: Where are you going to strike?

Daniels: Able Company's stuck in s*** creek and we're the damn paddle, armor's probably going into the snowy areas here in Mistral.

SS Sergeant: (Follow the Sergeant, their company's stuck!)

A Kubelwagen follows the Jeep and Zussman gets on the M2 Browning on the Jeep and they all kill any enemy standing in their path and some of the remaining targets are gunned down by the MG42 on the Kubelwagen.

US Soldier: Holy f**k! Cavalry's here and Krauts are assisting!

German Wehrmacht Gunner: (EAT LEAD YOU B****ES!)

All of the remaining enemies retreat but only 5 made it.

Aiello: Guess the Krauts were good allies.

German Gunner: Ja, we do make a good team.

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