Chapter 125 Some People Are Jealous

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Ma Yingn has been promoted to a level so quickly... must be praised! Yuan Xi was quite complacent. Look at how powerful our apprentices are. The apprentices are already so powerful. Can a master be any worse? Then secretly give yourself a like!

I didn't expect that the apprentice's upgrade not only rewarded merit points but also skill proficiency, and also rewarded a lot, fifty points, which is really impressive! In this case, wouldn't he be able to level up just by taking in a few more apprentices and sitting at home without moving?

Wait... that's not right, it takes half a level of proficiency to recruit an apprentice. This comparison seems to be just a consolation.

But Yuan Xi is still very happy, something is better than nothing, and when Ma Yingnv advances a few more levels, he will be able to take advantage of it.

With merit points, Yuan Xi, as a generous and open-minded master, gave the three apprentices "Master's Care" as soon as possible, so that they can get twice the result with half the effort, so that they can level up early. As a master, he can still become proficient Spend.

Good news has just come from 'Caring' Talal and Zhang Xun, and the two have also been promoted to the first level one after the other. Yuanxi's jingling bell rings a system prompt, and they have gained proficiency again. degree and merit value.

Yuan Xi was overjoyed, but it was a pity that Master's concern had a cool-down period, and he could continue to give it away after two hours, otherwise, he wanted to use all the merit points on them.

Ma Yingnv Talal Zhang Xun and the others practiced their skills hard in different places. At the same time, they were also shocked in their hearts, especially after understanding the power of this ability, they were very grateful for the honor of being able to acquire these skills , not only grateful to Ye Heng but also to Yuan Xi.

At the same time, their guesses about Yuan Xi were even more outrageous. They didn't know that Yuan Xi hadn't practiced these three skills at all. They only thought that Yuan Xi had already reached the peak. Imagine that they would be so rich just by raising a level. For the reward, Yuanxi is a master who is against the sky?

At this time, they received the 'care' from Yuanxi, not only greatly reducing their fatigue, but also doubling their proficiency. This made them almost regard Yuanxi as a god, and their excitement turned into The blood of hard training, everyone worked hard. I'm afraid that I'm not working hard enough, I'm not good enough, and I'm going to disappoint the master who has placed infinite hopes in them... [This is a misunderstanding.

Yuan Xi has had enough of his master's addiction, and finally calmed down, ready to seriously practice his skills, and rush towards the goal of spreading peaches and plums all over the world.

At this time, Ye Heng mentioned what was interrupted before, and asked Yuan Xi: "Where is the little vest at Yuan Zhe?" Yuan Xi said: "No, I changed

it a few days ago, and I seem to put it in a box."

Heng squinted his eyes and said, "Show me."

Yuan Xi opened the diamond box, and now he has the magical skill of sorting out with one click. The box that was originally messy is now neat and tidy at all times, which makes people feel pleasing to the eye at a glance. Of course, it is very convenient to find things at a glance while pleasing to the eye.

He immediately found the cleaned little vest, took it out to Ye Heng, and asked with bent eyes, "How is it? It's handsome! I made it myself."

Ye Heng rubbed his hair and said softly: " Looks good, what you do looks good, and the little guy looks good in clothes."

Yuan Xi felt refreshed, and felt a little embarrassed when it was over, what's going on, is he asking for praise and compliments... What a shame!

Yuan Xi hurriedly gave a fake cough to change the topic: "This little vest has a protection value of 80 points, and it has a special function, which is fire resistance."

Ye Heng responded, then took out a dagger, and lightly touched it on the little vest. Swipe lightly.

There is not even a trace of damage. Ye Heng's dagger must not be ordinary, it must be very sharp, and the small vest is just an ordinary cloth, let alone a dagger, even a little stronger can be torn apart, but now it is intact lossless.

What this means is that the protection value has taken effect.

Ye Heng said to Yuan Xi: "Use the appraiser to appraise it again."

Yuan Xi patted the little vest, then frowned and thought: "The protection value is still 80, but the durability has become 99."

Then Ye Heng swiped at the little vest with the same strength, and let Yuan Xi After identification, the durability has become 98 this time.

Yuan Xi fell into deep thought, and Ye Heng thought for a while and said: "The defense value is probably the upper limit of the attack that can be tolerated, that is to say, if the strength is greater than 80, this little vest will be damaged. If the strength is lower than the protection value of 80, it will be damaged." Consumes durability. And if the durability is zero, the vest will be damaged. Of course, these are just my conjectures. As for the actual results, detailed experiments are needed to get accurate data."

Said it was conjecture, but Ye Heng said There is basically no difference between the facts and the facts, but he has always been cautious, and naturally he will not draw conclusions so easily. Only by conducting rigorous research can he get a definite answer. Especially this kind of data is a matter of life and death, so there must be no carelessness.

What Yuan Xi thought was that the protection value of the little vest was already 80 points, and the doctor's casual clothes had a full 1000 points, which is so powerful...

Ye Heng took the little vest and handed it over to the laboratory for aggressive experiments , in particular its fire resistance properties were also evaluated.

An hour later, the detailed data was obtained. Yuan Xi looked at the page after page of data analysis on the screen. Apart from his jaw dropping, he said that illiteracy is really sad...

The results are gratifying. In layman's terms, an 80-point protection value can already achieve the point of invulnerability, and the fire resistance is indeed very strong, and it can withstand the flames for half an hour.

When Ye Heng said this to Yuan Xi, Yuan Xi understood. He didn't expect it to be so powerful. Such a small vest would be considered a treasure in the earth age!

Of course, this kind of armor will exist in the future society, but it is also extremely expensive, and it is not easy to make, and it is difficult to spread it in large quantities, while Yuanxi is only made of an ordinary piece of cloth...there is a gap But really can't compare.

Yuan Xi suddenly thought of the miraculous arbitrary muscle that only has a few pieces in the Federation, and couldn't help asking: "If this protection value is converted, what is the protection value of the arbitrary muscle?"

Ye Heng also thought of this a long time ago , he had done the test a long time ago. He looked at Yuan Xi and said emphatically, "200 points."

Only now did Yuan Xi realize how exaggerated it was... He knew the powerful defensive ability of any muscle, but he was able to resist it. A quantum force cannon's... unexpectedly only has 200 points.

Yuan Xi was a little dumbfounded, and murmured: "The protective value of the nurse's uniform is 1000 points."

Ye Heng said seriously: "Yes, it is five times that of any muscle, Xiao Xi, I hope you can wear it all the time."

Yuan Xi Xi was a little embarrassed, although he knew that Ye Heng was talking about serious things, he couldn't help being a little crazy... Hey, it's all the fault of the tricks in the room.

Art in the house: Lao Tzu got an arrow in the knee_(:з」∠)_.

Although the protection value of the nurse uniform is 1000 points, which seems to be five times higher than that of any muscle, in fact, the role of any muscle is more, and the capabilities it covers are relatively comprehensive, and it is not a single focus on protection. .

But for Yuan Xi, it is obvious that a higher protection value is more powerful.

Ye Heng had already had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and he said to Yuan Xi: "Xiaoxi, you should practice sewing first, and make a batch of clothes with high protection value."

Yuan Xi was slightly taken aback, he knew that these clothes were very powerful, But in comparison, Shasheng Wan is more powerful... He said this idea.

Ye Heng explained: "The Shelter Pill is indeed powerful, but its function is to prolong life. For today's combat style, increasing lifespan does not play much role. After all, it is only lifespan improvement rather than body strengthening. Accidental death is still unavoidable in such a war." After

giving Yuan Xi a time to digest, he continued: "If all soldiers can wear any muscle, then our combat power will be increased by at least ten times!"

Yuan Xi opened his eyes wide. He didn't understand this aspect, but his brain turned quickly, and he understood Ye Heng's meaning in an instant.

Indeed, the human body has always been too fragile. Although this is already a future society where warships confront each other, there is no need for humans to fight recklessly with knives and swords, but this does not mean that humans are safe.

In fact, due to the weakness of the human body, in the exciting battle of the battleship, only the shock of the aftermath, and the soldiers falling off the control chair and hitting the equipment can cause death.

And this kind of death due to the battle situation is indeed fatal. After all, if a huge warship wants to operate successfully, it needs the full cooperation and careful operation of the soldiers. If something goes wrong in one link, even if there are personnel to replenish immediately, it has already fallen behind. .

This has always been a fundamental problem that has plagued the soldiers of the Federation. The more powerful the warship, the higher the physical requirements for the soldiers operating inside. Although there is the cooperation of the intelligent brain, in a truly changeable battle, the intelligent brain is in no way comparable to the quick and flexible brain of the human being.

The discovery of physical skills allowed Ye Heng to see the dawn of human strength, and powerful protective equipment can not only relieve urgent needs, but also continue to strengthen the human body externally for a long time.

That's why he asked Yuan Xi to practice sewing as soon as possible to make a powerful defensive outfit.

Yuan Xi figured this out, so naturally he didn't have the slightest objection.

The two discussed again, Yuan Xi decided to go back and ask Sun Daqian, he believed that Sun Daqian would be able to help.

Ye Heng also agreed, and even asked Lu Jinran to come over to help. Yuanxi had a brainstorm and Lu Jinran put on a proud face for thousands of years, and then sewed clothes with embroidery needles...

Poof! So much fun!

So he stared at Ye Heng and said: "Okay, okay, let him come."

He was so excited, Ye Heng was a little unhappy, but he was always deep, and he didn't show it on his face, he just asked indifferently Sentence: "You have a good relationship with him?"

Yuan Xi did not doubt that he was there, recalled the scene in Beijing Xing, and said with a smile: "His personality is too bad."

Hearing this, Ye Heng was satisfied, and slightly curled the corners of his mouth, but then Yuan Xi said again: "But he's quite funny."

The corners of Major General Ye's mouth dropped again.

Seeing that Ye Heng didn't make a sound, Yuan Xi turned to look at him, just in time to see his rare emotional change, Yuan Xi was slightly taken aback, then his heart moved, he opened his eyes wide, and said in an incredible tone: "Ye Heng, you... ...Are you jealous?"

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