Yuan Xi patted and patted the small spatula, feeling emotional as he patted. Fortunately, he had the foresight to bind the appraiser to his left hand. , In that case, I really dare not fight with the appraiser.

At this moment, the appraiser, while being photographed with golden stars on his forehead, was slandering: Give me a chance, I will definitely bind you on your forehead.

After dozens of shots, the appraiser compromised: "Tired little spatula, please let him eat, drink, and sleep well."

Hey, the result is out! Yuan Xi looked at Ye Heng, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then Yuan Xi touched his left hand hypocritically: "Thanks for your hard work, Mr. Appraiser."

Appraiser: Die, die, die, I don't need you to cry Rats fake mercy. QAQ.

Eat well, drink enough, sleep soundly! It sounds easy!

As for what to eat, Yuan Xi decided to give it a try. There was no place to put the creme brulee in his bag, and he poured out a large pile at once, then put the small spatula in, and then a white light flashed, like a hill. More than half of the pudding is missing, tsk tsk tsk, I have a good appetite!

Yuan Xi counted, and it was about 10,000 points less. Yuan Xi didn't feel bad at all, patted the cute and cute little spatula, and smiled so hard that he couldn't see his teeth: "Keep eating if you're not full, my own family, you're welcome "

But the small spatula will never be able to eat it if it is full, Yuan Xi fears that it will be tired of eating only one flavor, so he changed some dishes, the small spatula does not move at all, it seems that he is eating all at once .

If you are full, you have to drink enough. If you drink this, it is estimated that plain water will not solve the problem. It just so happened that the orchard at Qinghe Farm had a bumper harvest recently, and Yuanxi was thinking of making a batch of freshly squeezed juice and selling it in the hotel.

It is relatively simple to make juice, and there are ready-made machines, so he doesn't need to bother at all.

Juice is very simple to make, as long as the raw materials are fresh, it will be delicious. The problem with fruit juice is storage, how to maintain this freshness, such a small matter of storage, has never been a problem for Yuanxi.

So he has easily stocked tens of thousands of freshly squeezed juices, including pure juices and mixed juices, which are not only delicious, but also have large pulp, which is definitely the favorite drink of ladies.

Yuanxi also thought about developing some honey soda, fruity milk tea, Shiguolao, sago dew and so on.

So it is easy to let the small spatula drink enough.

The small spatula is not as picky as it was when it was not activated at first, but now it has its own taste, drinking two thousand cups of freshly squeezed orange juice, two thousand cups of rock sugar Sydney water, and one thousand cups of cherry soda in one go.

Seeing its appetite, Yuan Xi felt his own toothache because of it. Brother, you ate so much sweet and then drank so much sweet and sour, do you really hold it?

What responded to Yuanxi was the big burp of the small spatula...

Yuan Xi was taken aback, and then smiled and rolled his eyes again. This guy...

the last one is the sweetness of sleep. Didn't sleep soundly in the package?

Ye Heng analyzed: "The time in the small package is still. Compared with our space, does it mean that it has never rested?"

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