In The Break of Dawn

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I stood on the cliff from where
I've fallen and fall right back to,
The air, cold and heavy on my skin.

Over the slumbering city, I watch
The lights from people's windows
Turn on, turn off, in their time.

I haven't seen you in my dreams
Nor lingered between my pondering,
And I'm not sure if that's good.

For weeks, I've tried to befriend
Loneliness in the absence of you,
The thought of you, and hope.

Love might not be meant for me,
As birds are to the sea, as you are,
And all that we could never be.

Yet as my eyes began to pour,
In those tears, light glistened
Refracted from beyond the city.

On the horizon, a purple pastel glow.
Shy and soft and certain,
The night does not stretch forever.

As golden come flooding the sky,
I braced for the warmth, I know
Would burn my soul anew.

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