Chapter 3 - Attacks

Start from the beginning

The man called Bazi really shut up, and pressed his weapon against Yuan Xi's head. In a harsh voice, he said: "The destination is Port 1007 in Linyang District. Drive quickly and don't play any tricks, and we'll leave you a life when we get there."

Yuan Xi looked neither left nor right. He knew in his heart that the two men had just killed the policeman. They must have stirred up some trouble with the police force, and the police patrol were sure to catch up. However, Yuan Xi did not dare to hope for rescue with his luck.

Not mentioning anything else, even if he were rescued, he was essentially an old antique without any identification papers. There was an 80% chance the policemen would regard him as their accomplice. At that time, even eight mouths would not be able to explain the situation clearly.

But, Yuan Xi will not naively believe what those two criminals said. What leave you a life or something when you get there; that translates to killing you when you're useless. Let you live? Those two criminals would kill him without the slightest hesitation. Unless he's possessed by the Virgin Mary, he'll definitely be killed.

Yuan Xi took a deep breath. Thousands of ideas circled in his mind. He could not pander to the policemen, but he definitely could not believe those two scoundrels. What on earth should he do?

Yuan Xi took a deep breath. Thousands of ideas circled in his mind. He could not pander to the policemen, but he definitely could not believe those two scoundrels. What on earth should he do?

Yuan Xi should be reading this at Translator is lazysoozan.

Yuan Xi looked at the navigation map in front of him. They arrived in Linyang District. Port 1007 is near the atmosphere. At their present speed, they'll certainly be able to arrive in about a minute.

Additionally, the policemen were chasing them. However, the two weapons the criminals had are so powerful that they can sustain battle for this long. Yuan Xi was very anxious. If they arrived at the harbor, there must be some people who would support the two criminals. By that time, he would not have any opportunities to resist.

Wait...Yuan Xi suddenly remembered what the yellow-haired youth said. This is Beijing. The airspace defense system is one of the best in the whole federation. Therefore, there are certainly won't be too many people to help these scoundrels, and they'll likely stand out.

But now that these two criminals were making such a fuss, the nearest port is bound to be sealed off. How could these two scoundrels escape in such a situation?


He was violently pulled and Yuan Xi's body was dragged from the driver's seat. He shielded his head and body was struck with a hard object. It was very painful, but he likely only sustained bruises.

He rolled under the co-pilot's seat. The scoundrel named Bazi swore at him and grabbed the driver's seat. He rapidly tapped the operating panel with both hands, then slid a thin pipe that was as long as chopsticks into a slot.

Yuan Xi's sharp eyes noticed that after the pipe was inserted, the energy that was originally consumed by the aerodyne was instantaneously refilled, showing a bright red color that looked as if it were about to burst. Although he didn't know anything, it was clear to him that the aerodyne could not bear the full fury of this power.

But, the criminal did not care at all. He stopped attacking Yuan Xi's back, climbed into the driver's seat, and buckled his seat belt. Yuan Xi screamed in his heart, then climbed into the co-pilot's seat and buckled the seat belt.

He had just settled when he was walloped by a tremendous impact. The super high speed of the flying car made him feel an intense tearing force throughout his body. If he had not secured himself in the co-pilot's seat at the last minute, he would have been thrown out of the car and died.

After a lingering moment of fear, he noticed the flying car had stopped. When Yuan Xi looked at the situation, it suddenly became clear to him.

Yuan Xi should be reading this at Translator is lazysoozan.

He was right to guess that the two men wanted to leave the planet, but no one actually came to their aid. So, they chose a simpler and more brutal approach.


There was a civilian starship, about 50 meters long, carrying about 50 passengers. It wasn't a very large starship, or in the view of the federation. It was the most common type of ship, usually used as some fixed-route passenger ship.

The two criminals carefully considered the matter, and chose this starship. When the passenger ship was first developed, its attack power was infinitely close to zero but tended to have protective shields and high maneuverability at high speeds. And because it's a passenger ship, passengers have to go through strict security checks before boarding. Passengers were not allowed to carry any offensive weapons inside the ship.

The two criminals chose such a starship as there was no threat to them. As long as they could infiltrate the starship, it can be easily captured by just the two of them. Moreover, there were more than 50 hostages free of charge, which is the best way for them to escape from Beijing.

Yuan Xi naturally did not know this. After getting out of the flying car, the two criminals instantly gained control of the passenger ship. Yuan Xi took advantage of the fact that they weren't paying attention to him to find a place to hide.

The starship passengers were initially panicked and frightened, but were restrained by the powerful weapons. In this era, the human body has not greatly evolved. On the other hand, the rapid development of science and technology produced increasingly high-tech weapons. Without protective measures, it was too easy to destroy humans.

So, no one wanted to challenge these two criminals.

As Yuan Xi quietly watched, no one was killed or injured, which helped calm his anxiety. Although these people were strangers to him and were unlikely to have anything to do with him in the future, they were still human beings. They weren't any different from the people he knew. He couldn't indifferently watch as these people died.

But, no one died at this time. After all, they need these hostages [alive] in exchange for the chance to escape the planet.

Yuan Xi just couldn't figure it out. How did they break into the starship so easily? The moment passed so quickly. He only felt a strong, dizzying pull, but he was not conscious of anything else, let alone see anything. There was just a flash, and then he was inside the starship. It was was like teleportation!

Yuan Xi should be reading this at Translator is lazysoozan.

Is it possible? Yuan Xi is not sure of how far science and technology developed.

At the criminals' demands, the starship's power system was activated and the starship was ready to launch.

At the same time, they also negotiated with the policemen who pursued them outside.

Yuan Xi has seen such scenes on TV all of his life, but did not expect to personally experience this scene. All he could feel was: What the fuck!

His heart was angry, but his mind was unusually calm. Are these two scum really going to let go of this starship? And what did they do? They were only two people yet they could escape from so many pursuers and hijack a starship.

Additionally, a terrible thought wandered into Yuan Xi's mind. These two criminals were definitely not so simple as to rob money to make a fuss. They must have committed a serious crime. Under such circumstances, will those who negotiated with them let them go?

As soon as he thought that, he heard the scoundrel named Bazi shout in anger, then sharply ask: "Fengyun, you federal lackey, you're ignoring the lives of the 50 people on this ship!"


Cough...Classmate Yuan Xiaoxi, take your time, there are still children in your stomach.

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