He wanted to feel her closer to him, his fingers on his body, her breath touching his body, he wanted her touch!

But he still didn't aware of the feelings of his heart. He was listening to his mind who kept telling him to push the hell out of her because of the way she's making every part of his body and soul.

Restless! Breathless!

But he's not realising one thing that she's giving life to his heart which was emotionless!
He himself didn't notice that he was staring at him without even blinking.

Yn ; done
"She said as she finished"

He got out of his thoughts with a little jolt. He looked at him with his embarrassing yet confusing eyes

With that she left from there whereas he thought

Tae's mind ; did she see me?

He was thinking and wishing that she hadn't caught him staring at herself.

But somewhere his heart felt sad knowing she didn't even notice him or have given a glance to him


What the hell he thinks of himself?
How can he order me made do that? Jerk!

I'm really pissed thinking why he told me to do his work. He is so rich why don't he hire any maid or doctor for him who'll take care of him and look after him. Why he always treats me like he brought me from somewhere

Yn ; areum will you stop talking about him
"I yelled"

As she was continuously talking about taehyung from the past few moments, i don't know why she likes him so much. I know she's a kid. Don't know his reality but still how can she get so fond of him in a few days.

I remembered she did even took a lot of time to get closer with irene when she got to know her but with him she's different!

It seems like she knows him since years!

Then my eyes went to her face which has a sad pout and puppy eyes
Suddenly a wave of guilt took over me!

Yn's mind ; Did i just yelled at her?

Shut! I realised that i shouted at her just now, for no reason

Yn ; oh! Areum, sorry baby!

She moved her head to other side while scoffing

Yn ; baby sorry

Areum ; no eommie! Areum is shad(sad) you shouted at me
"She said twisting her lower lips"

That's because of that jerk, he made me pissed!

Yn ; very sorry baby, eommie apologized!

Areum ; *tsk*

Oh! God! I have to persuade this madam now.

Yn ; mhm okay? So is there anyone who wants to eat chocolate cake?
"I said grabbing her attention"

She looked at me in an instant hearing a word cake. And this is what I meant by persuading her. She's such a hungry bird!

Areum ; hm cake?
"She asked excitedly"

Yn ; mhm yes! I'm going to make it

Areum ; really?
"She asked more like she screamed"

I nodded and then she said

Areum ; I'm too going with you!

Yn ; okay let's come

With that i took her with myself in the kitchen when we started baking the cake while playing around and having a good time with each other. And suddenly i felt that this was missing since past days.

My happiness with her!

Finally after sometime there's a sound heard in the kitchen making them look at the direction of the sound. And there they saw their cake being done. Yn took out the cake carefully where areum was cooking with the verge of excitement in her eyes seeing the tiny cute cake.

Areum ; I'll do it

She said holding the piping bag in her hands to do the further decoration on the cake

Yn ; okay eomma!

She chuckled seeing her excitement and the joy in her eyes. And let her do the decor on the cake. They both were just too merged into each other enjoying their time that they didn't even notice that someone was watching them from too long.

To Be Continued

An unplanned update 3>

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