Mr. Handsome

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Double update :)


Areum was wandering there and here in the childcare when suddenly she stepped out of the place and Annie didn't noticed too as she was busy with other kids

After sometime, she regretted stepping out of the place as she finds herself lost and standing in the unknown place
And it was getting dark

Areum ; eommie

She cries out seeing the surrounding drifting into darkness more
She was crying like a mess!
Suddenly someone came to her and approached her


Yn ran inside the childcare pantingly looking around with teary eyes

Yn ; Annie Annie

She screamed as she showed infront of her

Yn ; where's areum?

Annie ; i don't know yn, i was with other kids then suddenly i noticed that she's nowhere to find
Yn I'm really sorry

She apologized
But yn is not in the state to realise anything
Her body got numbed, she even couldn't feel any life inside her body
This is the power areum holds in her life

Annie ; yn

She shouted as yn faltered at her place losing herself

Yn ; i have to find her

She said as she ran from there without thinking twice
Her brain is not working
She was searching for her like a mad person, like someone who lost her heart, calm and Life!

Time passed like this, she had already informed this to Irene who already complained at the police station
Irene was telling yn to come home and police will find her but that uneasy inside and fear of losing another cherished person of her life couldn't stop her
She was running down the streets not caring about the time, place and the darkness!
Suddenly black out

I was driving through a dark alley after finishing when suddenly something caught my attention
I saw a girl but with some guy

I'm not like this but why this time my heart is saying to go and see there
I stepped out of my car and took my steps closer to them, after a few steps i realised that

She's the same girl who was about to get hit with my car
I sensed that something is not good with that man as that little girl was lying unconscious on the floor

Tae ; what ae you doing here?

That guy ; it's none of your business just go away

I think he didn't saw my face as it was quite dark there. Otherwise who has that much guts to talk back KIM TAEHYUNG, the mafia king

Tae ; you fucking bastard leave her!

I stomped at him as i took out my gun and pointed on his head
He suddenly leave her side and run away from there
I ran towards that little girl

Tae ; hey! Hey!
"I called her but she didn't response"

I don't know why my heart in getting heavy seeing her like this

Shrugging my thoughts, i took her to my mansion and called a doctor
After the doctor came and was checking her

Jimin ; what happen taehyung?
Who the hell you bring home?

Suddenly jimin appeared and bombarded his questions

Tae ; shut up jimin *rude tone*
I'm already tensed
"I said as i was worried that nothing bad happened to her"

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