Getting a tattoo...Oops, forgot to tell Daddy!

Start from the beginning

"Thank you!" I telled for the millionth time.

"Oh my god! No more thank yous!"

"Sorry." I said.

"Oh crap! We lost track of time! Thena we gotta go or dad's gonna have my ass on a platter!" Roman yelled.

"Hahaha! No he didn't what time did he really say we had to be back by, Drama Queen." i teased.

"First of all, i am NOT a fucking Drama Queen! I am NOT any king of Queen! And second his exact words were, "you better have your sister back here by ten or I'm going to have your ass on a platter."!" He answered.

"Ok fine." I pouted.

"Bye Goddess. I'm gonna miss you. You better come back and visit!" she said and pulled me into a tight hug and whispered in my ear, "i haven't forgot your tattooing skills so just know if things get boring up there and your daddy lets you, you gotta a job down here mama."

"Hahaha... Thanks and I just might take you upon that."

"Ok bye Kat." Ryan said.

Then after that we all said our goodbyes and were walking when Ryan whispered in my ear, "NO way in HELL I'm letting you move to L.A. by yourself, Baby Sister."

"Oh yeah like I need my big brother's permission." I laughed. Then he scowled.

Within 1 hour were were boarding the jet to go back home.

*****Back at Home at about 11pm *****

We tried really hard to sneak in but it was kinda like in the movies, when the kids try and sneek in but the dad is sitting in the living room in the dark but when he hears the door open suddenly the light goes on, cause that was exactly what happened.


"You told us to take her out so we did." Ryan said.

This seemed to make him even more mad.

"If I recall I also said TO GET HER BACK HERE BY TEN!!" he yelled.

"Sorry Daddy it was my fault. I wanted to stay in L.A.. The boys said that we had to be back at ten but I was wasting time, it was my fault. I'm really sorry daddy." I said.

"Fine. Did you kids at least have a good day in L.A.?" he asked trying to calm himself down.

"Yes. Thank you daddy!" I said as i stretched up to give him a hug.

"I'm gonna go to bed so, love you guys. See to tomorrow." i said and gave my dad a kiss on the cheek. And walked over to my brothers and reach up to give them hugs when i heard my dad yell.


That's when I froze and I felt my brothers freeze too.


'Uhh..." i said while turning around and trying to pull down my shirt, "no...i-it's not henna." i finished nervously.

"When did you get that?" my dad asked obviously trying to control his anger.


His eyes flashed to my brothers full of rage.

"You let your little sister get a tattoo, without asking me?" he asked menacingly. At that point I was even scared of him.

"We...uhh." They were both mumbling trying to find some sort of explanation.

"Daddy I asked them to take my I wanted one and they were just trying to give me what I wanted. I'm sorry I thought it would be ok." I said snaking my arms around my dad giving him a hug a trying to deffuse his anger.

He took in a deep breath and finally just gave in.

"I did tell the boys to get you what ever you wanted so this is kind of my fault too i guess." he said surrendering.

"Yeah and I really like it, Daddy! It's so pretty and I won't regret getting it, I know that." I said trying to reason with him.

"Fine I guess whats done is done." he said reluctantly.

"I want you guys to o to bed you boys got your first day at the collage tomorrow and you young lady have to go to school tomorrow." he told us. We all nodded and walked up the stairs to our rooms I was really tired.

The Roman pulled on my arm and when I looked at him he smiled and said, "Thanks for saving our asses, Thena. We owe you one." Ryan was right behind him nodding.

"You funking bet your asses ya do!" i said laughing, they joined in and we all said our good nights and went to our rooms.

I flopped down on the bed and thought about what tomorrow would be like. I realized that my wolf and I were really anxious to see him, Xavier James, our MATE. That was gonna get some getting used to.


How will tomorrow go?


Keep the tattoo in mind it might come up in another part of the story!

I just wanted to say thanks to all odf the readers who have been supporting me!

So remember to,



and most important,



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