"It's alright, love, let's get you your drink again, yeah?" Her mom protests but I insist, taking her to the cashier and letting her order what she needed.

She waits patiently beside me while I order my food and we make our way to a table in the corner.

I take off my coat, placing it on the chair beside mine while the gurl sits in front of me.

"What's your name?" I ask and she grins showing the half broken tooth making me laugh...almost.

"Lily" cute.

"I'm Liv" I hold out my hand and she places hers in mine, shaking it softly.

A boy comes out, placing the order on the table in front and Lily takes her juice, hurrying back to her mom with a smile.

She stops all of a sudden and waves back at me before leaving.

After finishing up, I make my way  towards one of the stores and almost shout at myself when I realize, I had left my wallet on the table. I turn around to leave but get a taken back when I bump into someones chest making me apologize in a hurry but I stop when I realize who it was.

"Mr. Hayes" I acknowledge him in almost a question.

"You look surprised to see my here? Am I not allowed to?" Miles asks and I shake my head.

"It's just that this is a private floor so unless you... right, you own a place here" the realization hits me and he nods with a glint of what seemed like amusement in his eyes.

He holds out my wallet and I frown, taking it from him.

"Where'd you..?"

"You left it back there" he nods towards the restaurant and I mentally curse myself for asking dumb questions.

I'm about to leave and head back to looking around when I feel him follow me which makes me stop abruptly and turn around to look at him in question.

"Are you following me?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I'm looking around, it's public property" He tells me with a slight smirking face making me annoyed.

I ignore him and walk into one of the shops, looking through the shoes, deciding where to spend my money next.

Technically, I'm not wasting money, I like to think of it as a... investment.

I see one I like and pick it up, I check the size and try it on to see it sparkling brightly.

I love shiny.

I ask the worker there to get this for me and she takes me to the counter.

"That will be 540 dollars will you be paying cash or card?" She asks and before I can reply, I hear a voice from behind me.

"Card" Mr. Hayes says, placing a black card on the counter.

The girl looks at the card with a hint of shock and I scoff inwardly. He wants to pay, alright then at least let me get the best of it.

"Actually," I speak up before the payment can go through.

"Can I get.." I walk over to the aisle, pointing at shoes. "All of these" I ask with a smile. "In my size" I add and she looks at me in shock before turning towards Mr. Hayes who was busy looking at me in amusement.

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