Wanna be my Valentine?

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Hello, sorry that I'm focusing on Season 2 episode 5 so much, I just had this chapter in kind since I made the book. I hope you still enjoy it though, there will probably be 2-3 more chapters of this episode. Anyways enjoy!


It was now Tuesday. I was planning in talking to Danny Fenton today about the kiss. Maybe he was too cool to admit that something was wrong, but deep down inside was the whole Danny. The one with common sense.


As soon as I walked into the building there was a whole crowd of students all around Paulina. Like gosh, I knew she was popular, but not this popular. I then took a deep breath and tried to look around for Danny. By the time I found him he was in the class we would be going to when the bell rang. The strange part is that he was all alone, just resting his head on the desk. " Um, good morning Danny." I waved as he perked up a little. " Oh uh, sup..." He greeted dryly. " I saw the news, you like him?" Danny changed the subject. Perfect, just like he read my mind. " Uh no, it was just like the story said, all for Paulina. " I lied as my cheeks heated up. He raised his brow at me before he started to speak. " Do ya' really think I would fall for that? We don't share the same mind right now but I know for sure it wasn't for Paulina. " He let out a little chuckle. Luckily the awkward atmosphere was now gone. " Well, I'm glad to have you back Danny." I ruffled his hair and started to giggle. See, look at that! Nothing bad happened, we're all fine now!


It was now lunchtime. I was with Danny at his usual picnic table. Unfortunately neither Sam nor Tucker was here today since Sam was on a trip and Tucker was sick. Danny was drinking a soda and eating a slice of pizza. I had a PBnJ sandwich and some apple juice. I looked around my purse a little and found the pair of earrings one day. I let out a small sigh of joy and put them on. " Aren't those that gift I gave you?" Danny asked me and pointed to the earrings. " Mhm, still got em'! I giggled with a smile. I looked up in the sky and saw Danny Phantom fly down towards Paulina who was waving her hand in the air. At that moment I remembered that these were communicators so I could communicate with Danny. I clicked a green button and it made a ding. " Danny, can you hear me?" I asked. " Of course, but how?" He replied. " These Fenton Communicators. You saw the news stuff right?" I hope that he did by now. I didn't hear an answer but he turned around and gave me a thumbs-up. I clicked on the green button again so it would turn off. " Danny, don't you wanna go see your other half?" I asked and grabbed his hand. " Yeah, no. I don't like that guy." He stayed in his seat but was still holding my hand. " Hmm. Is it because of the kiss or the date? If so we could do it too?" I suggested and tapped my chin. " Huh? Uh no! I mean sure..." He stuttered in embarrassment,  covering his whole face. " I'm going to say hello, you don't have to if you don't want to. " I looked at him with pleaded eyes and he stood up with me. The closer we got to Phantom the more he tightened the grip on my hand. " Hey, Danny!" I called out. He then quickly flew over to us and made us go behind a wall. " Is something wrong?" I asked a little worried. " No...It's just that heroes aren't supposed to lie." He sighed and looked at me, then down at my hand that was still holding Fenton's. " Y/N, I have something to tell you-" " Ah, me first. I have something to say too!" Fenton interrupted. They both went to pull something out of their pockets. Both of them had an envelope with a red heart in the middle. Were they asking me to the valentines dance for real? My eyes widened in excitement and my stomach started to hurt but in a good way. They both handed me an envelope. They both said the same words in the same handwriting.

" Hey Y/N, I'm sorry if it's too weird or something but wanna be my valentine?

-Love Danny "

I sighed and looked at them both. Normal people only took one person, and Pauli still liked Danny Phantom. I felt tears sting my eyes. The tears started to blur my vision. " Thanks, guys, thank you very much. " I thanked them and ran to the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and started to cry even more. I wanted them both, but that's selfish. But it would be rude not to kick both of them because they even bought me gifts.

When the bell rang I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped away the snot and tears. Skipping class wasn't a good idea. I grabbed the gifts and envelopes and walked to my locker to put them away for now. It would be good to accept both of them when they are together. I let out a sigh and put on a smile. I can do this, just avoid Danny for the rest of the day until I run into them both.


It was now the end of the school day. Danny Fenton had messaged me to ask if he could walk me home. Danny Phantom asked me the same thing but with the earrings. I decided to accept them both so I told them to meet me in front of the school. Phantom had made it there first then a few seconds later Fenton had shown up. " What are you doing here?" They both asked in unison and pointed to each other. " I invited him, okay? I hope that's okay with you both. " I let out a sigh before I continued talking. " Okay so, 1. Thank you for the notes. 2. I can't decide between you guys, you're both Danny, it's either both or none. Unless you are gonna take Paulina?" I winked at Phantom. He quickly shook his head and I started to giggle. " I understand that you probably don't wanna go with me anymore since you would have to share a date but-" I rubbed my elbow and looked at them both. They then went into some little huddle and whispered something that I couldn't make out. " Okay, we'll go with you. Both of us. " They announced in unison with smiles. I pulled them both into giant hugs and I started to cry. But this time not tears of sadness, tears of happiness.


Okay, there might be like 2 more of this episode, anyways u hope you enjoyed bye!

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