My Apologies Ms.

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I was at school, taking turns reading with Valerie. She wasn't exactly my friend, she doesn't hang out with anyone. I heard that the 3 musketeers have a grudge against her because of some job thing maybe? Luckily she wasn't rude to me. " Y/N, it's your turn to read." Valerie rolled her eyes and shook her hands in front of my face. Forget what I said earlier. " Sorry about that, just a bit distracted. " I apologized and started to read. The room started to shake a bit, and suddenly Danny Phantom fell through the ceiling since he was fighting a ghost. He flew back up and went outside, probably to make sure no one got hurt. " Ugh, that ghost boy! He always gets on my nerves! Ruining everyone's day..." Valarie groaned. " What's wrong? I think he's nice. " I asked, curiously. " It's ghosts like him who put people in danger. I know you didn't forget the play. Some kind of dragon picked you up and attacked you. " She refreshed my memory, not that I forgot. " Well yeah but he's not like that. He's nice and saved me a couple of times. " I tried you convince her how good he was. " That's what they all say until they turn on you.  Y'know what, I have a perfect idea. You should join me tonight. " She invited me over to her house with a smile. " Um, sure I guess. " I accepted awkwardly and we continued to read.

After school, I  went with Valarie on some kind of flying platform We were flying for at least 10 minutes. The whole ride was silent until we got to a gigantic mansion. She got out a piece of paper and put it on the ground in front of us as we landed. Valarie then snapped her finger and grabbed my wrist. A green portal opened in front of us and we walked inside. " Hey Mr. Vlad, I brought her." Valarie waved and sat down in a chair, releasing a long sigh. " It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. L/N, I am Vlad Masters. " A tall man introduced himself. " Um hello. Is there a reason I'm here?" I asked confused. " My apologies Ms, you are here so that we can train. You've had bad interactions with ghosts in the past, so I and Ms. Gray thought it was an excellent idea. " Vlad answered, his voice laced with excitement. I mean, what was the harm in training? I could always be a help to Danny and it could be good for myself.  I nodded and Valerie stood up. Vlad walked over to a ghost portal that looked very similar to the one in Danny's basement. Actually the whole room was, but it just was different colors and a little neater. He then turned it on and we all walked inside. I looked over to Valarie, who pushed a button on her bracelet and now wore a red jumpsuit. She began to throw punches and kicks at him which was surprising. Was she turning on him? He then grabbed her foot and threw her down. " Here you go Y/N, it will give you the outfit that Valarie has but not the skill. A few perks are guns and a hoverboard. " Vlad explained to me. I grabbed it and pushed the button. Mines was pink and pretty cute, to be honest. He signaled for me to start so I ran up to him. I jumped in the air, hoping that I could get on him but I started to float out of control. " There's a button on your arm, push it to get a little more gravity!" Valarie called out. I listened and was almost about to do what she said but I fell once he moved out of the way. Vlad then started to throw punches at me. I dodged most of them, but just barely. When I was about 5 I took fighting lessons for 2 years, surprisingly this old man was fast. Like very fast. I kicked him in the stomach which caused him to bounce back and give me time to figure out how this suit worked. " You really must be more aware of your surroundings dear. " Vlad suggested and kicked me to the ground. " That was great, now you should head home and I'll try to see what place to put you in. Valarie, you know what to do. " Vlad spoke as we appeared back into his lab. He then sat down at a desk and started to type away. " Where do you live? It's so I can teleport you home. " She asked me. I answered and she threw a paper on the floor. A portal opened for us and I waved goodbye. Luckily I got to keep the bracelet, it would definitely come in handy later.


Ok that's it for this chapter, next one will be season 2 and a episode chapter!

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