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Not your Pov

" Get off me Glimper!" Danny yelled, fighting off the giant ghost. " But I want to be your friend!" He whined. " Can someone please remind me why we decided to do this?" Danny asked sarcastically. " Hey, you're the one who wanted to map out the whole ghost zone. " Sam answered with a chuckle. " Adleast you don't have to wear these stupid ear phones. Luckily they connect to my Pda. " Tucker groaned for a few seconds before he turned it up. " Hey, their not stupid! I think they make perfect techno-goth earings!" She told them with a smile. " Really? I should give a pair to Y/N! " Danny got distracted. " Wait actually Y/N would like this." She said as the fight ended.

Now your pov

I had been at school putting my stuff in my locker. Everyone was wearing tee's that said the name Ember. There were also posters and merchandise all over the hallway. I felt quite left out since i didnt know who she was yet. As I looked around a but Paulina pulled me over to Danny and the others. " Hey Sam, nice earings. Did you get them at some kind of goth party?" Paulina smirks. " For your information they're a gift from Danny." Sam says, her voice toned with annoyance. As she said that I looked over to Danny who was giving us a nervous smile and sweating like a pig. " Really, Danny gave you those things? I always knew you two lovers would end up together..." Paulina said as she stormed off. They both ignored what she said and Sam elbowed Danny. " Oh yeah, here Y/N, just got a pair for you too..." He said nervously. " Aw thanks Danny, they look so cool!" I exclaimed giving him a smile. " Ember! Go Ember! You will remember! Ember-" " Will you quiet down?! " Sam and Danny yelled in unison causing him to jump. We all ran to our classes as fast as we could since the bell had rung. " Good morning...since we need to insure that you all passed your standardized tests we got these computers to insure that you all succeed. It's called the Fantastic Mark 5." Mr. Lancer said. You were sure thst you would pass with flying colors since you had been studying. " Ember, No one can forget my name!" We saw and heard Ember on the screen. Everyone in class cheered, all except for you, Sam, and Danny. The cheering stopped as Mr. Lancer took the cd out of the machine. " Foley, turn off that blasted Pda!" He yelled. " It's not me, I think it's coming from outside!" Tucker put his hands up defensively. Everybody ran towards the window to see a truck pulling 2 gigantic speakers and a Ember banner. Suddenly Ember and her band appeared as the purple smoke cleared up and she began to hit some vocals. The whole school ran outside and the 3 of you stood there to watch everybody make a fool of themselves. Sure Ember sounded good but there's no need to act so crazy. Danny looked at Sam and they gave each other worried looks. She strum a cord making everyone turn over to Mr.Lancer and jump on top of him. " Oh my God, Embers the ghost! Uh Y/N, Sam, you guys stay here...I'm going to uhh, run away?" Danny said and ran behind a corner. You saw as Danny Phantom went to protect Mr. Lancer from the crowd of kids chasing after him. By the time he was done with that, Ember was gone, no where to be seen. " Hey, no encore?" He questioned looking deflated. I decided to get away from the crowd for a little before I saw Danny Phatom and called out to him. " Hey Danny, you got a sec?" I asked. He flew over to me and gave me a smile. " Sure, what is it?" He asked. I reached into my purse to get out the pocket watch I had gotten him. " I-I knownits not much...but it's what comes from the heart, right?" I say giving him a nervous smile and handing it to him. He stands the there and doesn't say anything, which makes me worried. " It's just because you always protect Amity Park so...I thought I would give you a apparition gift?" I told him before he quickly pulled me into a hug. " I love it Y/N, thank you so much!" He gave me a bigger smile than before. " Well I gotta get back to my classes so...bye. " I say, waving bye to Danny as I walk back into the building.

3rd person pov

" Hey, do you take song requests, what about beat it?" Danny says as he tries to blast Ember but misses by an inch. " Get a load of this, dipstick!" She smirks and strums a cord. " Dipstick, ho, ho, funny! Who came up with your comebacks, the same person that writes your song lyrics?" He tried to distract her into going on the roof. The chanting increases and Embers powers gets stronger allowing her to knock him into a giant cutout of her and causing him to knock it down. " You think I'm strong now? Just wait until midnight when the whole world's chanting my name!" She says her plan aloud. Sam busts does the door and runs infront of Ember in a defensive pose. Danny de-tranforms back to normal from the fall empact. "How about a love song?" Ember smirked hitting Danny with another cord. He looked down at the necklace you had given him with a smile. " I know that face...that's the one you do with Paulina!" Sam said as the realization hit her. " Who's Paulina?" He questioned, still looking at the gift. " That's a good side effect, but Danny, come save me!" She yelled st the top of her lungs as she hung off the side of the cutout for her life. Just as she fell a man on a helicopter caught her. " Climb up miss, we're taking you home. He said to with a stern look. Suddenly a big crowd of trucks and helicopters gathered around the building and threw everyone including you in the trunk, driving you all back home.

•Swiped Right Off My Feet• Danny Phantom x Fem-ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now