Sayanara Pussycat

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I walked around the mall alone, trying to look for a gift to give to Danny Phantom for all of his kindness. He had saved me a couple of times now, and yes, that may be his job but he's good at it! I went into a hot topic and was looking around a section with small little trinkets. I pick out a glow in the dark heart necklacewith the letter D inside. " It looks good enough. Although I wish it was free..." I said out loud and walked up to the counter. " That's free ma'am. " The lady said as she put it in a bag for me and I walked out of the store. That was weird but cool.


It was Saturday and Me, Sam, and Tucker were at Danny's football game. I should rephrase that, he was the fill in mascot for the team. " I'm sick as a dog and I hate sports, why am I even here?" Sam says sarcastically as she sneezes. " Because we're here to support Danny, that's what matters, right?" I ask her as I rub her back. " And because we have the best seats in the house, so don't complain..." Tucker shushed her and continued watching the game. To be honest I wasn't really a sports fan myself either, was only here because I had nothing better to do. And if Dash or Kwan asks I was at their game. We see a raven mascot jump up and down in the air before he's trampled by the players. I jump a bit, feeling bad for Danny. " 'Fill in for the mascot', ' It'll be cool' , ' You'll meet the cheerleaders' " Danny said with a deflated sigh and tried to pick up the broken pieces of his coustume. The game does not go smoothly at all. Dash gets pumbled and jumped on for like the whole game. If they won it would be cheating because there is no way in the world that the are going to. " This is so pathetic, our team is such a failure. I'm going. " He says while packing up his snacks. " Me too, I'll see you guys later. And tell Danny he did good for me. " Same sneezes and walks away. Dash looks over to the audience and suddenly turns green! He has an angry expression on his face and looking pissed. Probably because his team is loosing. He growls and throws the ball so hard it basically sets itself on fire. Tucker tells me that he'll be back and runs down to the field near Danny. " 1,25,3,2!" Dash yells calling out different team members by their numbers. Dash shrinks down and the green leaves his skin. Just as if the points we scored before didn't exist we lost to the opposite team. The whole crowd booed and I looked around for Danny or Tucker but they were gone. Oh well.


I meet up with Paulina to go see a new movie called Sayanara Pussycat 2 and a half, which I can tell she's excited about. " Sayanara Pussycat is so cute! Why can't I be thst popular? " She pouts. I look at her with a sympathetic smile and a kid dropped her cotton candy so I told Pauli I would be back and went to buy the girl some more candy. " Thank you so much dear, I really appreciate it. " The girl's mom thanked me and turned away. " I love you Paulina!" A crowd chanted out. I looked behind me and saw everyone gushing over a giant ugly floating girl with a big head and Paulina's voice. " Look at me. I'm so cute, and cuddly, and ever so wonderful! " She said with a giant grin as the crowd followed after her. " We agree Paulina!" They cheered in unison which caused a shiver to crawl up my spine. " I bet I could become super fairy queen of all teenagers!" Paulina exclaimed as she grew so lage she was practically hitting the ceiling. I walked into the room without her since she was being waaayyy too weir door me to handle. As I took my seat I spotted Tucker looking quite glum. " Hey Tucker, I didn't think you would wanna see this type of movie." I laugh and walk over to him. " Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asks with a sigh and slouched in his seat. " Man I'm always getting left out by Danny. Man I wish I ghost powers too-er...I mean, just ghost powers. " He basically yelled with a nervous laughter before getting all sad again. " It's okay Tucker, I'm sure Danny Phantom just wants to keep you safe, since you don't have powers. " I try to cheer him up with jokes but green smoke fills the room startling us both." Your hearts desire is my command. " A female voice says as the smoke leaves. Tucker turns to me but he disappears with a scream? " I stand up and check under all of the seats in attempt to find him but there was no luck, so I sent him a message before leaving the mall.

From that day on at school weird things had been happening. Such as Mr. Lancer doing the chicken dance in the middle of class. Or all of our tests flying around the room. Right now you were walking with Paulina and talking about the strange things happening. She stops for a moment as Danny walks up to us. " I just wanted to let you know, I'm dating Tucker Foley. He's much cooler than you are so stop chasing me!" Paulina said to Danny with a smirk. " Huh?!" I questioned, she definitely didn't like Tucker. " Tucker, get out of there." Danny said with a sigh. " Why don't you make me?" " Fine, I will!" Danny yelled and disappeared? I felt my body feel light as I couldn't control my body. " Tucker your turning the whole school upside down. How about giving it a break." I said? " How about you get off my back and let me have a little fun?" " Because your way of fun is a little mean...Now get out of Paulina!" " How about you get out of Y/N you copy cat?" " No, you!" " No, you first. Babayita gave me these powers and I'll do what I please with them." " Then maybe I'll need to have a chat with this ' Babayita'! " I yell before finnaly gaining control. " Fine but you and I aren't friends anymore. Danny fenton!" Paulina groans as her eyes go back to their original colors. " What, huh?" She questions and looks around. Everyone looked at us like maniacs, and to be honest I didn't blame them.

Next Saturday we spent it over Tucker's house since Danny and him were sick. Me and Sam fed them soup. We both took pictures together so we could remember this moment thought. What a laugh we'll have in the future...

•Swiped Right Off My Feet• Danny Phantom x Fem-ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora