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Love the earth guys 👦 ❤️ 🌍


It was now time for lunch. I sat with Paulina inside instead of outside because it was a bit cold out today. The good part is that we could see Danny outside fighting ghosts.

I took a bite of my sandwich and looked at my Pda. Mom had messaged me about 100 times. To sum it up, it was saying that we needed to talk when I got home because of what she saw on the news.

" Y/N, go on and tell them what you told me!" Paulina urged. " last night in the park there was a clip or something of me kissing Danny Phantom, the ghost boy. He didn't do it because he liked me, he was just nervous and needed help so he could kiss Paulina. " I lied. Everyone started to get invested in the story. Lying was not a thing I enjoyed but I had to keep my friendship. They also asked me what it felt like, what was a kiss supposed to feel like? It felt magical, but I couldn't say that. I couldn't say boring either...It was a hard lunch period to get through, let's say that.


When the school day was over I planned to walk home alone today. After my talk with her, I would go over Sam's so I could help her pick an outfit for the dance. When I finally got close to my house I saw a whole crowd of people standing outside. Most of them had microphones. I pulled out my Pda and saw a message from Mom that told me to come in from the back.

I circled the house and crept in from the back door. As soon as I walked in my mother was staring at me with the television remote in hand. She flicked it in to show the news.

" Today in Amity Park we will be checking out how littering is bad for this valentines season. Instead of loving trash, love the earth, and clean up! " A lady said and the camera switched focus to some trash in the background. " Is that who I think it is? That's Invisobill, the ghost boy! And he's kissing a girl? Forget about loving the Earth, get a load of this new celebrity couple!" They zoomed in to see our faces more.

" Mom, it did have me kissing a boy but it's misleading, we're not dating and we never will. " I tried to defend myself. " Good, great, that's awesome. But you won't even get a chance to do that because I'm grounding you, for life. " She tapped her foot with a smirk. I sat there stunned, she couldn't possibly do this to me. But the smartest option was to not say anything to make the problem worse. Mom then changed the channel. " We are live outside the house of Invisobill's girlfriend. Hopefully, we will be the first to get an interview. " A man said to the camera with a smile. They then panned the camera to show the crowd, then the door. When they knocked Mom answered it and sat them down on the couch. " Hello Y/N, I'm Adam it's a pleasure to meet you. " A man introduced as we shook hands. " What is your relationship status with Invisobill?" He questioned me. I looked over at Mom nervously before answering. " First things first, his name is not Invisobill, it's Danny Phantom. And second, he's just my friend. We are not dating or whatever you guys may think." I answered, but it wouldn't be bad if I got to date Danny to be honest. I started to smile at the thought of kissing them both. " Then why would you two be kissing? " Adam asked with a raised brow. Mom did the same. I had to think of something that made sense. " Don't worry, we know the answer. Your dear friend Paulina told us it was because he needed help with kissing. But in the photo, it looked like you enjoyed it. Look at this last clip. " He pointed to a screen and it showed him pulling away and me kissing him on the cheek. " Now what was that all about? Do you secretly like him even though your friend does?" Adam asked me, leaning in. " I, I don't like him. Even if I did my friendship with Paulina is more important." I crossed my arms trying to defend myself. " Well, we'll find Danny Phantom and ask him ourselves to see what's going on. That was all for the Adam MN&N show, goodbye! " He waved to the camera and I joined in. " That's a wrap, here is my card so you can call me when something else happens. I'll come back later after I get a hold of Invisobill. " He and his crew then left. " Why did you invite them in? " I asked her angrily. " I just thought it would be fine. I love you, you know that right? But I'm your mother so it's my job to make sure you're responsible. " She smiled and held out her arms. I accepted her hug. " You must like this boy, huh? " She asked me. " I mean...kinda. But it doesn't matter. Paulina likes him so it would be rude to admit it. " I answered with a sigh. " Well if she's a real friend she'll understand. I heard that you had a boyfriend when I was out of town. " Mom cleared her throat curiously. " It wasn't really a boyfriend, more like someone I just hung out with a lot. Also, can I still go to Sam's house so we can practice hairstyles and makeup for the dance? " I pleaded. She nodded her head and let go from the hug with a smile.

•Swiped Right Off My Feet• Danny Phantom x Fem-ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat