One Fenton, One Phantom

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Hello, this is season 2 episode 5. The only thing that changed was the date, it's February instead of what month it may be in the show. I hope you're okay with this. Anyways enjoy!


It was Saturday morning. I, Sam, and Tucker were over at Danny's house watching him delete stuff off of his computer. " Ember, ghost zone. Skulker, ghost zone, Box ghost, who cares?" All three of them said in unison. " All ghosts locked away, which means our weekend-o-fun starts now!" Danny spoke excitedly. " Wait, I gotta delete some old stuff on here-" He said as he clicked on a file. A few pictures of me popped up on the screen. " Huh, how did you even get those?" I questioned him confused. "'d that get there?" Danny chuckled nervously. " Oh, you can delete that old version of doomed. " Sam pointed at the screen. He listened and went to delete it. Tucker looked up from his Pda worried. " Wait, that's where you trapped Tecnus!" He called out but was too late. " Hahaha, I Tecnus, free at last!" A man cackled as he popped up on the screen. The green man opened up the file with a picture of me in it and started drawing a mustache." Hey, do you know how many digital collectibles I had to trade for that?" Danny yelled at the ghost in annoyance. The computer started to fly around the room and wrapped wires around Sam, Tucker, and me.  I tried to reach for my bracelet but I couldn't, my hands were stuck to my sides. Danny then grabbed something that looked like a dream catcher and hit the computer with it, knocking the ghost out of the device. Danny then mumbled something and the next thing we saw made us gasp. He had about 10 heads and a deformed body. It was so ugly to look at! " Oh for the love of Pete.." Sam sighed. The three of us jumped into the air, causing the computed to fall and the so-called ' Tecnus' to disappear. We untangled ourselves from the ropes and Danny de-transformed. " The weekend-o-fun start yet?" Sam questioned Danny with a groan.  Tucker then got a call from his mom for grocery shopping so I and Sam took this as a perfect opportunity to go to the mall.


" So Y/N, this is my favorite store, my whole wardrobe came from this place!" She smiled and pulled me inside. It was the same store I had gotten Danny's necklace from. " Y'know the valentines dance is coming up?" She asked me. I nodded my head. " Yeah, I know. I'm probably not gonna go though since I don't have a date. " I responded. " Ya sure, you don't got a date? No one in mind at all?" Sam elbowed me with a giggle. " No Sam, I don't have a date, at all. No one has asked me. " I sigh and pick up a cute hair clip. " Not even a boy who is half ghost?" She smirked. " Huh? If you mean Danny then no. He didn't talk to me about the dance, I don't even think love is his style. " "Besides, even if he wanted to ask me out he wouldn't have the guts for it. He would start to stutter and run away. " I laugh. " Well you gotta be the one to dl it ya know? Girls can do whatever they put their minds too." She put her arm around my shoulder and held out her hand, trying to make it sound inspiring. " Yeah right Sam, I'll go to the dance alone but I'm still gonna get a dress. I want it to pop out, but still, be valentines like. " The both of us walked to a dress shop somewhere farther in the mall and I found the perfect outfit. Now I just needed to find accessories.


The four of us met up again later that afternoon since we were heading to the movies. Tucker's phone was acting up because a ghost was inside of it, and everything else to deal with technology. We decided it was best to ride in Mr.Fenton's van instead. " Are you kids sure that there's a ghost in the movie theater?" Mr.Fenton asked us skeptically. " Yeah, I'm sure dad, and if there isn't you can pick us up in 2 hours and 26 minutes. " Danny lied. The ghost then decided to make extra seat belts and strapped it extra tight around all of us. " Hey, um dad? Is this some new kind of safety feature?" Danny raised a brow. "Safety feature? That kind of stuff is for punks! " His father said before the car started to fly faster than when he was driving. He then ejected us into the air and we landed in the parking lot of a mattress store. When the fight ended we were driven back to his house.

" I promised you guys a weekend-o-fun and now I gotta spend it tracking down Tecnus. I just wish there was a way I could do both-" Danny apologized and ran downstairs. When he came back up he had that dream catcher in his hands. " The Fenton ghost catcher takes away all things ghostly." He smiled proudly. " Danny, wait. You don't have to do this, we don't mind ghost-hunting with you!" I tried to convince him that this wasn't good. " Well, I mind, I want a personal life for once, and now I'm gonna get it. " He flew inside and 2 of him came out. One Fenton, one Phantom. " At last!" Danny Phantom called out and tied a bed sheet around his neck. " I'm, Danny Phantom! Full-time superhero!" Ghost Danny flexed his imaginary mussels. " Yeah, whatever. And I'm gonna Danny Fenton, full time cool dude. " Human Danny sighed and plopped down into a chair. " This has bad ideas written all over it. " Sam looked at Tucker and me, I nodded. " I call the fun Danny!" Tucker yelled and pulled human Danny out of the room. Ghost Danny stared at himself in the mirror. " Say, Samantha. You wear a lot of dark colors for a superhero sidekick. And Y/N, you frown a lot for a superhero's girlfriend. " He frowned. " Superhero g-girlfriend?" I questioned while blushing. " Tucker, wait up!" Sam called out chasing after Fenton and Tucker. I stayed with Phantom. He flew me around town, to any place where there was a ghost causing someone to be in danger. It got tiring but I didn't want him to be all alone for the whole night. " Y/N, you look awfully tired. Don't you suppose it's time to go back to that lazy boy's house?" Ghost Danny raised a brow. " I'm supposed to sleep over Danny's, not Tucker's. Besides, I'm not that tired. " I lied. I was fighting back yawns. " I'm not talking about Tucker, I'm talking about Daniel of course. But you know sidekicks are supposed to tell the truth. " He put his hands on his hips as his hair blew in the wind. I let out a sigh before speaking. " Well I don't want to bother your patrol time. You can take me back after. " I don't want to interrupt his time of freedom. He quickly swept me up in his arms and flew me to his house? I'm not sure whose house to call it. Anyways he flew me back and set me down on my sleeping bag. I was surprised to only see Danny there and not Sam or Tucker. They must've gone back home after the movies and boiling.  He then waved goodbye and left out.

I looked around his room a bit and found a pile of crumbled-up poems.

" Oh, when I look at you I start to get butterflies in my stomach. I sure hope you feel the same or else this will be embarrassing. Would you allow me to take you to the Valentine's dance? " I giggled at the strange placement of words. It made me wonder who it would be for. Probably Pauli, he knows that she liked one version of him. I felt my heart ache at the thought of it being for her. Then again she was much prettier than me and more popular. Everyone liked Paulina, I'm just lucky to be her friend. I sighed and walked over to Danny's resting body. He was snoring and had a bear in his arms. How cute. I then tiptoed over to my sleeping bag and climbed back inside. It was smartest to just sleep since we had a busy day tomorrow. I quickly texted my mom good night and shut my eyes.

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