Married to my Rude Boss

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You are going to be late again because your alarm woke you up, and you realize you are going to be late again for your interview. So you just go to the bathroom, wash, or take a quick shower. Ready for that. Then you take a taxi and head on your way. W

hen you reach the big building, the name on it in big letters is IM.SHIP. You enter the building and see that it's so expensive. How many floors are there or are there lots of areas? You get distracted like you always do. Then you start to think about how they are going to give me a salary. Then the lift opens, and you snap out of your thinking. Last time, you checked your documents, and you did not forget them because you are a little bit careless. You start checking and suddenly lose balance, and all pages slip onto the floor. 'Shit, what the hell,' you said and start picking up all the pages. But suddenly, a man appears. He is tall. His color is like a pure white face and he looks great in a black suit. You get goosebumps when he asks, 'What are you doing on the floor?' You say, 'It's not your business.'

He has nothing to say, then clicks the button for the floor

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He has nothing to say, then clicks the button for the floor. You see he is going to the same floor as you. Then you ask him if he is also going for an interview, he listens but has nothing to say. You said, 'How rude he is, stupid man.' Then the lift door opens again, and many people enter the lift.

They enter one by one, and you have no place to move. Then you realize this rude man is getting closer and closer, and you start to hesitate. When you are one inch closer to him, he looks into your eyes. Your cheeks start burning, and you think, 'What should I do?' You say to yourself, 'Please, take me out of this situation, God.' Then you look into his eyes. He sees you continuously.

He whispers in your ear, 'You're blushing, you like it.' You are shocked by what he said. Suddenly, all the men in the lift start to leave one by one, and you hold yourself. Then you push him, 'What do you think you are? You and your mind are too dirty. But I am different; I don't like guys like you. I don't want to see you.

Don't want to see you, you pervert. Lift close, he smirked and said, 'This is going to be very AMAZING.'

Then the lift door opened, you reached the 24th floor ready for the interview. You said, 'Bloody pervert guy, I never saw a person like him.' Then you started cursing him. You went into the room where the receptionist was sitting. You asked for Mr. Lim, 'I am here for a job interview.' She said, 'Wait here, I will ask him.' After 15 minutes, you started getting bored, 'When am I going to have the interview?'

Then suddenly she said, 'Ms. Y/N, you can go in and take your file and enter the office.' You said, 'Good morning, sir.' You never saw him because his chair was on the wall side, so his face was never toward the door. Then you said, 'Sir, got a message. So I came here for an interview.' His cold voice said, 'What's your name?' You said, 'Y/N.' 'Okay, what are your qualifications and why do you want this job?' 'I graduated two years ago, but I don't have a job, so I can't fulfill my needs. Or another reason, I want this job because I really need it, sir. It's an emergency,' he said

You said, 'What kind of sir, if I never pay my rent I am gonna be homeless. I never disappoint you sir. I do all work wisely. I have experience, you can check my CV.' 'Yeh, I'll check.' 'Ok, done, I give you this job.' Then he turned the chair and faced you. You saw him, then you were going to say 'youuuuu,' he said 'not you say sir. I am here boss.

I am the great IM.SHIP CEO. Now you know who I am. Y/n, this pervert man. What the heck is this, I think. I dug my own grave.' you thought in your mind. Then he said, 'Where are you now, wake up in your dream.' He said, 'You are hired now, so let's go work today, yes, today. Why, do you have any problem?' 'No, no, nothing.' 'Now go and take all ten photocopies of this file. Understand?' 'Yes, sir.' Then you realized you have a job, but this man's all work is going to be hard for you. But now you don't have any other idea or another job that gives you a fifty thousand per month salary. So you thought, I did this job for a few months and then taking a chance and leave is the best idea.

Here mr. Changkyun said i feel so bored but not anymore now i have something interesting who
Never getting offend or bored me.

this chapter is short but
I try to write more for you guys 😊😁 buy
Good night 🌃

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