Downhill then uphill 🤗

Start from the beginning

I went to my house to have a good sleep and to get everything ready for Lynn and I's date at the park. I was excited but a little nervous, I looked through our game closet before going to bed and found a latter toss game. (I love latter toss plz 😭). I grabbed the game and opened the box making sure I had all the parts. Once I saw all the parts in the box I went to bed. The next morning I looked forward to the day. Clyde was at Lincolns house tonight so I had peace ans quiet to get a comfortable blanket we can sit on. I decided on a picnic and then latter toss to finish, also latter toss because maybe I can actually beat her at something. But Lynn is super competitive and that's one thing I like about her, I like everything about her. I quickly walked to the kitchen since I accidentally slept in, I know I have like 6 hours to get ready but I want it to be amazing, I want this to be Lynn's best date she will ever have.

I ended up watching a movie so I lost 2 hours of setting everything up. I wanted to make some cheeseburgers and some Lava cake since she could have any when she was in the basement so I got to work.

3rd Pov

Meanwhile at the Loud house Lynn was excited for the date and threw on some sweats and her usual shirt. Lynn walked downstairs to every single sister and Lincoln and Clyde up watching tv or fighting each other. "Dad I dont think I will be here for dinner." Lynn said, "What why?" Lynn Sr asked, "Because YN asked me on a date and we will probably be there for awhile." Lynn explained. Everyone started squealing and huddled around Lynn, "You are not wearing that to a date." Lori commented, "What why? YN loved how I look and she wont care." Lynn explained, "Yea but its a date. Do you not have anything that looks more presentable?" Lori said, "Umm no? I have a white suit shirt and a red blazer, I was gonna wear that to Lincolns prom but he found someone so I put it in the back of my closet." Lynn explained, "Oh my god, you can wear that, do you not have dress pants?" Leni said, "Oh my god, she wont care how I look, she likes me for who I am." Lynn frowned, Lynn was getting annoyed from all the questions. "We are going to fix you up." Lola smiled, "No, no, no." Lynn tried but she was tackled by all of her sisters and brought upstairs.

"Guys I look ridiculous." Lynn frowned, they put her in the suit shirt and blazer she said she had and just put on red sweats. Lola did her hair more wavy and down, not in a ponytail. "No you don't, you look amazing. Your welcome." Lola smiled, Lynn scoffed and walked out of the bathroom into her room. She took off the blazer and her suit shirt and put on a more comfortable shirt and put the suit shirt and blazer back on so her sisters wont be mad. Lynn was definitely gonna take it off at the park. She kept the sweats because they were comfortable. Lynn put on her red nike shoes. It was 5:30 and it took 20 minutes by dirt bike to get there, Lynn grabbed an extra helmet, "Ok guys im going." Lynn yelled, "YES LYNN GO GET YOUR GIRL!" Luna yelled, "I already have her stupid." Lynn giggled, Luna rolled her eyes but gave her a thumbs up encouraging Lynn. Before Lynn left she made sure to grab a hair tie so she can put up her hair too.

YN pov

Ok I got the food ready, I put it in a bag it was 5:25 and it took 15 minutes by walking to get there. I grabbed the yard game and a blanket and started making my way to the park.

I arrived at the park, it was 5:40 so Lynn should be here soon. I put the yard game against a tree and set the blanket in the shade since it was still kinda hot. I set up the food waiting for Lynn to arrive. After 5 more minutes Lynn arrived, "Yooo YN this is so cool. Is that latter toss?? I love that game." Lynn smiled, "What are you wearing?" I giggled, but she did look kinda hot in that suit. "Oh my sisters dressed me, I have a comfortable shirt under it and I put my hair up before I got on the bike." Lynn smiled taking off her blazer and unbuttoning her suit shirt throwing it on the blanket. She had on her usual #1 shirt on with sweats. "I made cheeseburgers and brought stuff to go with it of course then I made lava cake since you couldn't have any in that basement." I smiled, "Thank you YN." Lynn smiled. She got a cheeseburger and put on lettuce, ketchup and pickles on it, I got (whatever you have on your burger) and started digging in. "Oh my god that was so good." Lynn said and started getting some lava cake. I giggled and finished my burger already pretty full, "You not gonna have some?" Lynn asked, "Nahh all yours." I smiled, Lynn nodded. We talked about sports and what we thing the Loud's are gonna do when we get back, "They are gonna ask tons of questions." I said, Lynn giggled and nodded, "Definitely." Lynn giggled, "Lets play latter toss now." I said getting up getting the pieces out, I set it up giving Lynn 3 bolas's and setting the latter's 15 feet away from each other, "First to 21 wins, top bar 3 points, middle bar 2 points and bottom bar 1 point. Ready to lose Loud." I smirked, "Im not gonna lose McBride." Lynn smiled. We started and Lynn went first and then me.

We finished the game and I won by 2 points, "HA IN YOUR FACE LOUD!" I cheered, "Its finee, I will beat you next time McBride." Lynn smiled, "Good game love." I said, "Good game babe." Lynn came over and side hugged me and kissed my head. "Its already like 8:00 ready to go back?" I asked, "Yea, but lets drop off the stuff you brought first." Lynn replied, I nodded and gathered all the stuff in the bag and putting the game away in the box, Lynn put on her suit shirt and blazer back on. "Ok lets go." I smiled. We walked all the way back to my house dropping off everything I took, I put the box back in the game closet and the blanket in my room and threw the bag away but putting the food in the fridge for later. "Ok lets go." I smiled hopping on Lynn's dirt bike putting on the extra helmet Lynn brought.

Lynn drove up the driveway and parking the bike, everyone rushed outside. Lynn took off her helmet. That was really hot. Lynn had her foot on the ground keeping the bike up, I unwrapped my hands from her torso and took off my helmet, I looked around and saw Lynn's sisters on the porch, "Told ya." Lynn smiled. I got off the bike, Lynn kicked the kickstand placing it on the ground to keep the bike up. Lynn got off the bike and put her helmet under her arm. Damn, she definitely knows shes hot. "Ok lets go." I said grabbing her arm walking up the porch stairs. I walked inside to Lynn Sr and Rita with Lilly on the couch, "So how was it?" Rita asked, "Amazing, YN made food, it was really good, she also made Lava cake." Lynn smiled, "Good, im glad you guys had a good time." Lynn Sr said. I smiled and walked upstairs to Lynn's room. I laid down on her bed exhausted.

I started to close my eyes when the door slammed open, "So I heard you had Lava cake and a good time." Lori smiled, everyone was at the door wanting to know every detail. This was gonna be a long night.

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