Chapter Eight

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As the drinks were being made Hitakshi looked at the menu, as she read she realised that her menu had no prices on, which made her look in confusion, how the hell was she meant to pick the cheapest meal here? "Something the matter?" Seto questioned her "my menu has no prices" she said confused to him pointing to it, to which he said factually "in certain restaurants the main breadwinner is meant to pay for their guests" to which she blurted out "how I'm I meant to pick the cheapest meal?" to which he nodded his head and said with an devilish smirk "you aren't meant to, just relax and pick what you feel like trying" even though she didn't feel comfortable about the idea she decided to give it a go, was is the worst that could happen? After a mintue of looking she saw something on the menu that made her mouth salivate, it was a serlion steak with homemade chips, just as she put her menu down the waiter came back with their drinks, he gave each other their drinks, Moki and Hitakshi thanked the waiter whilst Seto just nodded in acknowledgement, the waiter then took each others food order.

After the waiter had finished at their table Hitakshi looked at her drink, she smelled the passion fruit and vodka concoction, it smelled delicious but was unsure about the shot of champagne next to her glass, she was unsure what to do with it before Seto said to her "you drink the champagne first before the cocktail" to which Hitakshi raised her eyebrows at him "since when did you become an drinking connoisseur?" to which he said in an slightly flirty way "that's for me to know and for you to find out?" Seto then winked at her, a blush started to form on her cheeks, she used her black hair to cover her face as she slightly turned away from him, drinking the shot of champagne, it was strong and very fizzy but she enjoyed it, she then sipped on her cocktail, the passion fruit and vodka together danced delightfully on her taste buds, after an few more sips she decided to question Seto "so you are CEO of Kabia Corp?" to which he said nodded yes to her "how did that happen?" he looked a little uncomfortable about the topic "it is an long story" he said abruptly.

But Hitakshi didn't want to accept that for an answer, that is when a plan formed in her head, she pulled Moki towards her, poor Moki looked confused at her "Seto if you don't tell me I will show you up" to which he crossed her arms staring at her "and how do you plan doing that?" To which she grabbed the left side of Moki, where he ribs where and started to tickle him, to which the young teen started to laugh loudly, trying to push Hitakshi's hand off her but failing "Seto help!" Moki yelped with fits of giggles, Hitakshi smirked saying to Seto "if you tell me I will stop torturing your brother" she said playfully, to which Seto said rolled his eyes before saying "alright, I will tell you" to which Hitakshi let Moki go, she couldn't help but laugh as Moki ruffled up Hitakshi's hair as revenge, she then turned to Seto who turned seriously to her, Hitakshi's smile dropped as Seto explained about Gozaburo, who was Seto's adopted father, how he basically pushed him to be the best at such an young age and if he failed he would be severely punished, although he never went into how he got punished Hitakshi could clearly see that he had left mental scars on him, Seto then explained how at the age of ten he bought out Kabia Corp from under his father's feet, Moki also corroborated his story.

Hitakshi was in an state of shock, she felt bad for Seto and Moki, she always thought that they would be safe being adopted into an rich family, but she realised how wrong she was, she felt guilt for them, it also explained why he is so cold hearted to everyone around him, before she could utter an response the food came, the waiter served Moki first, then Seto, Hitakshi was the last, she smiled sweetly as her food was placed next to her, she thanked the waiter who response welcomed her, he also winked at her, she blushed slightly before turning to Seto who stared at the waiter with daggers, he also placed his left arm around Hitakshi's waist, pulling her closer to him, the waiter noticed and gulped heavily before he hurriedly walked off, Hitakshi did not know how to react, the simple touch of his hand around her waist made her heart race, she was so close to Seto that she could smell his musky cologne "what was that all about?" She questioned him to which he whispered in her ear "I was just protecting you, I won't let any harm come to you" her heart was beating loudly in her chest she thought her heart would explode, she tried to steady herself by grabbing her drink and taking an big gulp, as she drank his arm left her and turned his attention to his food, Hitakshi did the same and none of them spoke as they ate.

After they ate their meals Moki was the first one to speak "so what happened to you in the orphanage after we left?" Hitakshi smiled to him and explained how she was adopted by her Brother and Grandpa around six months after they had left, she explained how she met Yugi one day, then everyday Yugi would go and visit Hitakshi at the orphanage before Grandpa found out, he and Yugi decided to adopt her, she explained how she is blessed to have both of them by her side, she then realised that she had been out with Seto and Moki for over an hour and it was getting late, as she checked the time on her phone, to see it was turning Ten o clock "oh my I better get going, my Grandpa is going to kill me" she said a little worried" Seto nodded in acknowledgement, he flagged down an waiter to get the bill, within an few seconds the waiter came back with the bill, Seto paid by card, as Moki and Hitakshi slid out of the booth and stood up, after Seto had paid he immediately grabbed Hitakshi's hand, as they walked out of the restaurant, just like before the customers stared daggers at Hitakshi, once again making her feel insecure, Seto sensed her distress, so to make her feel better he kissed the top of her head in front of everyone, many gasped in shock whilst others stared jealousy.

All three hastily left the restaurant and got back into the car, just as they got settled the car window opened and Roland formally said "where to Mr Kabia?" to which Seto replied coldly "To the Gameshop first and step on it!" "Yes Mr Kabia" he shut the window and stared to drive, that is when Hitakshi turned to Seto "thanks for the meal tonight" to which he said in an softer tone "don't thank me, it was the least I could do" that is when Hitakshi decided to ask "will I be seeing you again or this is a one time thing?" to which he replied "of course you will be seeing me again, I lost you once and I am not loosing you again" which made Hitakshi smile, she felt her heart tug in ways she had never felt before, it didn't take them long to get to the Gameshop, as they pulled up Seto got out, she turned to Moki and gave him an brief hug saying "it was nice to see you again, take care of yourself" he hugged back and said "you too Hitakshi" both let go, as she got out she turned to Seto, she pulled him into an hug, which he was not expecting, as his muscles tensed at her touch, but after a few seconds he hugged her back "take care of yourself Seto" to which he replied "you to Hitakshi" as much as they wanted to stay in each others arms they both let go, he watched as she ran into the Gameshop door, before getting back into the car, as for Hitakshi she ran upstairs to go to bed to gather her thoughts when she heard Yugi screaming "Grandpa! Grandpa!" She ran to see Grandpa unconscious, Joey, Tea and Tristan looking confused as Yugi screamed at the TV.

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