Chapter Four

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As the limousine drove Grandpa and Hitakshi to the Kabia Corp offices, Hitakshi's heart started to thump hard and rapidly in her chest, a sense of fear started to consume her as she did not know what Seto had planned for her and her Grandpa, she knew that Seto wanted to duel but why? What was he to gain from it? Was it about Grandpa's rare card or was it more? Why was Hitakshi being dragged along into this mess? So many questions were buzzing around her mind that she felt an headache come along, she massaged the temple of her head with her left hand, hoping it would sooth her headache but it never did, That is when Hitakshi felt her Grandpa's old hands holding her right hand, she stopped what she was doing to turn to him "please don't fret sweetheart" he whispered to her "Don't fret? I'm I suppose to stop?" She whispered with concern, that's when Grandpa said in a stern but calm tone "young Kabia doesn't understand, but I will teach him a lesson about 'The Heart Of The Cards', you just have to believe in me okay?" Even though she wasn't fully convinced she still agreed.

It took fifteen mintues before the limousine parked up, as the car stopped she saw the door open "out now!" One of the guards barked his order, both Hitaski and Grandpa climbed out, as she stood she saw the skyscraper which had infront of the building Two Large letters which spelled 'KC', at the top was a dome shaped roof, in that moment Hitaski felt like a tiny insect waiting to be stamped on, it made her feel insecure, Grandpa and Hitakshi walked into the building with the two body guards behind her and the chubbier one walking in front of them, as she stepped in she saw the main entrance was decorated in the finest cream marble walls, even the floor was marbled, but was black with specs of blue that glowed in the bright LED bulbed lights, as Hitakshi followed the guards she glanced to the front desk where two twenty year old girls with perfect tanned skin, immaculate blonde hair, bright white teeth, perfectly manicured nails stared daggers at Hitakshi, both whispering to the other before laughing, making Hitakshi feel small, she turned her face away, to the end of the hall was an elevator which both of them were hushed into, as they went right up into the top floor which was astounding thirty floors.

As they neared Seto's office Hitaski felt queasy, the fear she had was starting to rise within her, she even started to shake, she tried to calm down but nothing about this situation was calming her down, that is when she felt a light squeeze from her Grandpa's hand, she squeezed back lightly as they exchanged a glance, before they could exchange words the elevator doors opened, both Hitaski and Grandpa was ushered out, and was lead into a massive room which she recognised as a dueling arena "what the fuck?" Hitakshi whispered under her breath, just then she heard an booming males voice "Hitakshi, Soloman, welcome to my dueling arena, isn't it splendid" that is when Seto stood in front of them, still wearing his Domino High School Uniform, his hair was still styled as a mullet but it looked messy like he hadn't brushed his hair, he had bags under his eyes and his eyes showed madness, even his smirk was meancing, Hitaski couldn't keep silent as she angrily questioned "knock it off Seto with the introduction! Why have you called for us?!"

That is when Seto looked Hitakshi up and down, he chuckled at her onesie and said with such venom "I challenge your Grandpa to an duel, if he wins you two will walk out of here unarmed and you will go back to your pathetic life's, and if I win not only do I get your Grandpa's rarest card but your Grandpa will have no choice but to terminate your adoption papers and you will belong to me" Grandpa and Hitaski looked horrified at the billionaire in front of them, that is when Hitakshi was outraged, anger flared in her red eyes "are you out of your mind?! I am not a piece of property Seto Kabia! Grandpa we are out of here!" She said grabbing her Grandpa's hand, she was about to storm out but before she could leave the guards blocked the exit, that's when Seto sneered "it seems you don't have much of a choice, now let's get this duel started, I am running out of patience" Seto snapped, that is when both Solomon and Hitakshi turned to him, Grandpa let go off Hitaski's hand and said to Seto "Fine, let's settle it once and for all" he said as both started to walk upto the opposite sides of the dueling arena.

Hitaski's heart was racing as she watched Grandpa dueling Seto, her jaw dropped as the cards came alive on the dueling field, Hitaski realised that they were holograms, at first it looked like her Grandpa was winning, she cheered loudly everything he made Seto loose points, but that was soon short lived when Seto put three Blue Eyes White Dragons onto the field who all took an direct hit to her Grandpa, which made him loose the game, horror filled her eyes as she realised that he had lost "Grandpa!!" She screamed as she ran to him, by the time she got there he was in a bad condition, he was shaking, his clutched onto his heart, sweat dripped from his temple as Hitaski tried her best to console him "sweetheart... I... I'm sorry" Grandpa whispered "don't be, let's get you to an hospital" she was about to help him up when she felt herself being pulled away from him, it was one of Seto's body guards as Seto walked past Grandpa grabbing his deck "an deal is an deal Soloman, this card and Hitakshi now belong to me" Seto sneered to her Grandpa, Hitakshi growled to Seto "what happened to you Seto? What happened to that sweet boy I used to know?" Seto turned to Hitakshi, he walked to her, stepping inches from her, he then stroked her left cheek, a shiver ran down her spine as he whispered to her "you don't want to know what happened to me, you have no idea how long I have waited to be with you again" Hitakshi was in shock, she didn't know what to do, or say, she just stared wide eyed at him, the madness in his eyes frightened her, she watched as he pulled out his phone, he dialled before saying down the phone "Ah Yugi perfect...your Grandfather is here visiting but he is not feeling well, why don't you come by my office and pick him up?" And with that he hung up.

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