Chapter One

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"Sis! Sis!" Yugi shuck his sister by her shoulders to wake her up, she groaned in annoyance as she opened her bright red eyes, to be greeted by her Brothers amethyst eyes, he was already in his bright blue school uniform, which consisted of a black shirt, blue blazer and pants with black shoes, his triangular multi coloured hair stood to perfection "what do you want Bro? Can't you see I'm having my beauty sleep?" she said in annoyance, Yugi however laughed and said in his innocent youth "come on sis, its past 7 o clock, besides Grandpa told me to wake you for school, if you dont get up now we're going to be late" Hitaski groaned in response, the used the back of her hands to rub her eyes and started to sit up facing the little man in front of her "Bro I love you, but sometimes I could throttle you!" she said with a smile on her face, Yugi pouted his lips pretending to be sad and said jokingly "oh I'm frightened sis! I'm quivering in fear" Hitakshi smirked and said with humor "you will be, anyway can I get changed in peace?" to which Yugi nodded yes before leaving Hitakshi to change.

Ten minutes later and Hitakshi was up and ready, her black hair which hung wavly around the top of her shoulders, she didn't wear any make up so her pale skin was on show, she wore a white shirt, grey and white cotton shorts, a crimson red cardigan, silver Cross earrings and Black heeled boots, the smell of Pancakes with golden syrup welcomed gladly through her nostrils, making her mouth salivate, that's when her belly rumbled as she walked into the kitchen to see Yugi already eating his and Grandpa at the stove cooking, Grandpa or Soloman was a elderly man in his seventies, his triangular hair was very similar as Yugis but it was all grey, he however wore and mustard coloured bandana, cream coloured long shirt with green dungarees and black shoes.

"Morning!" Hitaski greeted Soloman, he turned to her and greeted her back with a smile, he however dropped his smile as he saw what his Grandchild was wearing "why aren't you wearing your uniform?" "I'm against it" Hitaski stated bluntly, turning her smile into a frown "but the school has wrote to me on several occasions saying you aren't properly dressed" "half the girls in school aren't dressed properly! You ask Yugi, one time a girl bent down and we had to turn away because you could see her red thong, and trust me Grandpa it wasn't a pretty sight!" "she saying the truth" Yugi said to back me up, she smiled sweetly at him, he did the same, Grandpa just shuck his head, smiling at me handing her breakfast "well I ain't going to stop you sweetheart" her smile came back and she kissed him on the cheek "thanks Grandpa" he just nodded in response as Hitakshi sat down next to Yugi to eat her breakfast.

Ten mintues later and Yugi and Hitakshi were out the Gameshop door and on the way to school, the sun was starting to rise as they walked out, the wind blew lightly, giving a warm breeze, the streets were flooded with adults on there early commute to work, and school children running or walking in gangs to there school, the sound of the bustling traffic, car horns and car engines unwelcomed into Hitaski's eardrums, luckily they're was a park near by which was a short cut to school, as they walked Hitaski's mind started to wander, she was very lucky that she had Yugi, although they were not biologically related she felt like they were as close as identical twins, she remembered when Yugi and her first met...

It was a bright and sunny day in Dominio and all of the children in the orphanage were playing, chatting, screaming in their groups, all were having a lovely time in the sun except for one, the little girl who is Slandered by the orphans and the staff due to the colour of her eyes, they called her a demon child, who would never be loved by anyone, the little girls heart ached as she still was torn at the fact that her blue eyed boy and his brother had abandoned her in the orphanage and cut all ties with her.

Hitakshi was sitting in the corner of an sandpit, all by her own, depression had took atole of her as she didn't have the energy to play, when she heard a someone crying, her first instinct was to ignore it but as she turned her head, she saw a lonesome little boy, who was sat on a low wall which stood all around the orphanage, sitting cross legged, his back towards her, the little boys hands in his face, out of curiosity she approached the figure.

As she came closer, she hoped that the strange figure wouldn't be so cruel to her, she took a deep breath before speaking "hello..." the little boy turned his face to look at hers, he gasped when he saw the little girls eyes, hurringly she held her hands up in surrender and said to the little boy "... Please don't be afraid, I won't hurt you" "I'm not afraid of you Miss, are your eyes made out of rubies?" he questioned the girl, she looked at him in confusion and answered "no they're not, why do you ask?" "because they look like rubies, it's beautiful" he said with awe at her eyes, Hitaski blushed and for the first time in months she smiled "thank you err...sorry what's your name?" that's when he adorably smiled back to her "my name is Yugi, what's yours?" he asked curiously, thats when she held her left hand out to him "my name is Hitaski, it's a pleasure to meet you Yugi" with his right hand he held her hand and shook it gently "its nice to meet you to".

"Sis?" Yugi's voice broke through Hitakshi's thoughts, she turned her head towards him and said "sorry bro did you say something?"she questioned apologetically, he looked concerned at his sister and said "I asked if you where okay? You looked like for a second you were in cuckoo land?" "I'm fine bro, I was just thinking" she said to him calmly "thinking about what?" Yugi questioned his sister, he knew that something had been playing on her mind recently and he had an idea what that was "do you remember when we first met?" Yugi nodded yes to her and smiled at her "yeah, I remember that day very well, why do you ask?" "It just came back to me, you and Grandpa are one of the best things that ever happened to me" "one of the best?" Yugi questioned raising an eyebrow to her "yeah having you and Grandpa adopt me and..." Hitaski felt a lump in her throat, and her heart thump with hurt "and the blue Eyed boy you met before we adopted you?"

All Hitaski could do at that point was nod yes to him, she told Yugi about her blue Eyed boy that got away years ago when one rainy night Yugi caught her crying to herself, even though she loved her brother she still thought of Seto and his younger brother Moki every day, they're wasn't a day that went by that she prayed and hoped to meet both of them again especially Seto, after all even if she didn't know it at the time, she knew now that Seto was her first and only love "have you still not found him?" Yugi questioned his sister, to which she finally said "no but I hope to one day..." she then decided to change the topic "anyway what on your timetable today bro?"

It didn't take Hitaski and Yugi long before they were in the parking lot of the school, as the pair kept on walking something caught Hitakshi's attention, a big black limousine with tinted windows, curiously she asked her brother "bro who's limousine is that?" that's when Yugi glanced at the vechile to, he then said "that is Kabia's ride?" that's when Hitaski looked confused at her brother "yeah Hitaski the C.E.O of Kabia Corp comes to this school?" Hitaski couldn't stop laughing, it was Yugi's turn to look confused "what so funny?" "I just can't imagine an C.E.O in a class room full of teens" that's when Yugi shuck his head "Kaiba is only sixteen years old" that's when her eyes nearly popped out of her head "no way! The head of Kabia Corp is sixteen years old and comes to this school?!" she said in shock to which he nodded yes to her "wow... Do you think I might have a chance with him?" Hitaski said jokingly "Sis! Behave!" they both started to laugh smas the school bell started to ring, that's when both of them said their goodbyes and headed to their separate classes.

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