the incident

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i fell straight onto the floor and hit my head so hard. i laid there and felt my head. i looked at my hand and saw blood. but not only was there blood on my hand, my whole leg was cut open by the other persons skate.

i started screaming nd crying when i saw it. it hurt so bad. it was the most excruciating pain i'd ever felt in my life.

"y/n," matt said as he ran up to me.

"holy shit," chris said as i was screaming in pain.

chris, & matt went to go get help while nate and nick stayed with me. nate was holding my head and nick was making sure i was still conscious and breathing.

"y/n just breath, your gonna be okay. just breath," nick said getting teary eyed. i looked up nd i saw tons of people looking at me.

"EVERYONE BACK THE FUCK UP! GIVE HER SOME SPACE!" matt said coming back into the rink along with chris and paramedics. everyone did as he said surprisingly.

"hey sweetie, this is gonna hurt just a little bit okay," she said with little warning putting a towel around my leg and wrapping it up. they also gave me a shot in my leg to numb some of the pain which helped out A LOT.

about 2 minutes later some people came in with a stretcher. nd put me on it.

all still while i'm still crying, i look at nathan with tears running down his face. i couldn't bare to see nate like this. i closed my eyes and wished this could all be over soon.

the paramedics picked me up and started carrying me away.

"it's gonna be okay baby i'm right here," nate whispers holding my hand.

the paramedics put me into the ambulance and rushed me to the hospital.

luckily someone got to come with me. i wanted matt & nate to come but only one could come. i wanted it to be matt cuz i can't see nate cry. but matt let nate come instead.

it was a few minutes of me wallowing and nate being quiet starring at his hands. but it wasn't rly and awkward silence nor was it comforting.

"i'm sorry," nate says ending the silence.

"it wasn't your fault," i manage to get out.

"yes it is, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have been trying to skate fast," he says.

"yeah but it doesn't mean it's your fault. it's my fault for trying to skate backwards knowing i haven't in years," i say.

nate walked over to me and held my hand. he stood there for a second. we looked into each others eyes. nate started learning in and kissed me.

that made me feel much better, i looked at nathan and smiled. he smiled back.

"you don't know how long i've been waiting to do that," he says.

"me too," i smile.


486 words


Anywayss how are y'all liking this story? i think it's pretty good considering it's my first story i've actually committed to making.

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