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"So you're trying to tell me, that he broke his wrist, simply by grabbing it?" he looked at me bored, not believing the story I just told him. I inhaled, trying to calm myself. If I had to guess, I would say we have been here for the past one and a half hours. How we managed to get to that time? Well because the boy sitting in front of me, feels the need to reconsider EVERY word I say, as if it was so unbelievable that a boy seemed to be caring enough to safe me from a perverted teacher.

"Yeah you're right it sounds pretty unbelievable compared to the fact that I'm telling a literal vampire, who is sitting on my bed about my day" I started "Ya know, a typical Friday" I finished my sentence giving him the most annoyed look, I could get out of myself. He only shrugged his shoulder as a response. "Did anything happen after that?" Jisung asked, still curious if I had left anything out. "Well he's in my dance class as well and he's an amazing dancer I gotta say" I added to my story. He rolled his eyes "I didn't ask for you to simp over him I just wanna know if he did anything else to you" the boy said.

I hesitated. I still wasn't sure whether to tell him about the time he pushed me against my locker and how his eyes sometimes had that same red glow his eyes had. I kind of wanted to ask Jisung if he knew why Minho kept mentioning my heart beat cause that was one of the most offsetting things he has said to me.

"You're hesitating, so there's clearly more" Jisung spoke, breaking the silence. "Oh it's nothing I was just thinking if I forgot anything" I tried lying but just by the look on his face I knew that he knew. "Stop lying Deiji" he spoke. "Damn am I really that bad of a liar, that everybody knows instantly when I don't tell the truth" I complained, putting on hands over my head. "What do you mean?" Jisung asked quickly. "First it was Minho now it's you" I kept complaining. He didn't say anything. I looked through my fingers to see him staring me dead into the eyes. All the emotion he had on his face was washed away. I slowly put my hands down, a little concerned about why he was not moving an inch.

"Who's Minho?" he asked demandingly. "Oh I didn't tell you that was his name. The guy I've been talking about, his name is Lee Minho I believe" I told him, again feeling nervous under his presence. Silence again. Just when I thought Jisung eyes couldn't get any darker, they did. I wanted to ask him if everything was alright but before I could, he interrupted me. "You said he knows when you're lying, just like me?" he now asked me. I only nodded. "Does he do anything else that's similar to what I do or of what I look like?" he asked me again. "Why are you suddenly so interested, weren't you the one not believing any word I said earlier?" I asked him, a little offended. "Answer the question" he said, slowly but that serious tone drenching his voice. "Why are you so tense suddenly? did I do something?"
"Answer the fucking question before I lose my patience" he said, gritting his teeth. I didn't want to tell him about the red eyes or the cold skin Minho had.

What was Jisung even on about?
Why was he suddenly so mad at me?
I really didn't want to tell him about my experiences with Minho since I've only known him for like what, four days maybe? "No there's nothing else" I said. This time I was dead serious. I was lying yes but I knew for sure It didn't come across that way. The amount of confidence I had saying that. "Deiji I'm gonna ask you one last time. Is there anything else? If you lie to me again, god may protect you from the things I'm gonna do to you" Jisung said, his fist was clenched, and his fangs were poking out, because of his gritted teeth. My body instantly went into survival mode and I crawled back on my bed, wanting as much distance from the vampire sitting across from me. His eyes were blood red. His pitch black hair, was covering parts of his forehead but I could make up the vein that was slickly popping on his temples. He was mad. Only a fool wouldn't know that he was trying his very best to hold back.

I couldn't get a word out from between
my lips. I felt like I was paralyzed. Jisungs eyes were piercing me. I felt like he could read my mind, by how intense his slanted eyes were looking at me. He wasn't playing around anymore. And he definitely was not enjoying me not giving him the information he wanted.

Before I could even defend myself I was suddenly off my feet, against the wall of my bedroom with the boy standing inches in front of me with only his hands around my throat, pulling me up from the ground just like he did a few days back on my way home from work. I inhaled sharply and shut my eyes closed. "Talk" Jisung hissed. No. I didn't want to talk. I wanted to cower in the corner of my room and cry. Why was this even happening to me? What did I ever do wrong to be deserving this?

"I'm giving you one last chance" I couldn't believe my eyes. I had never seen him like this. I instantly regretted opening them in the first place. I regretted opening up to him. What was I even thinking, letting a stranger stay in my room?? And on top of all that he was a vampire???
Jisung harshly pulled me towards him, so my feet were on the ground again and pressed me against the wall with his entire body. His chest was touching mine and he had his face in the crook of my neck. I felt his breath on my exposed shoulder, making me shiver. "You really want to die don't you?" he whispered on my now freezing skin. It felt like my body was burning. I felt something sharp graze my skin slightly.

"then so be it" he whispered again, his fangs poking my skin, making my entire body feel weak.
Was he actually gonna end me now?
I didn't want to die. Especially not for this. I couldn't hold back anymore. My tears started flowing and the trembles I have been forcing myself to not show erupt. I was trembling and sobbing. I relaxed my body, sliding down on the wall Jisung held me against. I buried my face in my hands and cried. I didn't care anymore. He was behaving like an asshole. He had no rights to do this to me but of course he didn't care. Why would he? He was a supernatural being. He wasn't gonna care about the rights of a mortal. 

"Stay away from Minho"

That was the last thing I heard before complete silence filled my room.

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