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"New Day, new luck" I said to myself, putting on the pair of wide, black pants and the fitting long sleeve I picked out for myself today. After brushing my hair and putting on a little make up I joined my dad and my brother in the kitchen. "Good morning hun" my dad smiled weakly. "Good morning" I responded. "Did you get enough rest" my dad asked me carefully "you looked very exhausted last night" he continued. "Yea, work was harder than usual, but it's good now" I ensured him. I went to make myself some cereal, passing by my brother who didn't even bother looking at me. "Why are you so quiet asshat, you don't shut up usually." I said jokingly to which I only got an eye roll as response. Not even a roast back? something wasn't right.

Just in time my dad cleared his throat. "Eh hun there is something I need to tell you about." my dad said hesitantly, trying not to look me in the eyes. I only cocked an eyebrow waiting for him to continue. "Your brother already knows, but I'm going aboard for a business trip." I nodded my head, not realizing what was supposed to be so bad about that. Dad was usually out and about flying from city to city so we got used to him not being around sometimes. "I'll be flying to Japan for 2 months" I spat out my milk. "WHAT" I turned around with widened eyes. My brother slapped the back of my head at my reaction. "Yes I know it's a long time I'll be gone but I already put cash for the time I'm gone into your brothers bank account so you won't have to worry about anything" I slowly nodded still in shock. 2 months?? The longest he has been gone so far was maybe 2-3 weeks but not months. "When will you leave?" I asked. "I'll be gone by the time you get back from school so let's say goodbye now since you need to leave for school" dad said looking a little worried. He got up and walked towards me, pulling me into a tight hug, rubbing my back. My brother joined the hug "Deiji-ah it'll be fine I'll take good care of you" my brother said trying to reassure me. "I can take care of myself stupid" I said laughing "What I'm worried about is dad. What if anything happens?" I said getting quieter. My dad pulled away from the hug and looked at me. "Nothing will happen silly, you know I travel a lot, I'll just be gone for a little longer this time" I smiled at him and nodded my head once again. "Alright dad but take care okay?" I said hugging him one last time before leaving the house with my brother.

I stepped inside the school building, instantly getting hit by the sound of hundreds of students talking. "Ugh" I mumbled before making my way to my first class. I entered the class and sat down. To my surprise I was the first one to arrive so I had to wait until my friends would be there. I pulled my phone out and played some games, trying to kill time. The class room eventually started filling up and my friends arrived one by one. We started chatting about some things.

"Do you guys know that Minho boy? He's one class above us I believe." I asked my girls. Sujin slowly started nodding. "Yea he's my brothers best friend" she said. "Chan??" I said surprised. "Yea they've known each other since forever" Sujin responded. "Why" she added. "Oh I'm just curious. He seems like a dick" I said staring into the blank. I noticed their confused faces, waiting for me to elaborate. "He's in my math class, and he already made me hate him on the first day." I said. "It's probably better to stay away from him, I don't think he's good news" Hayun said waving her hand in front of my face. "He's not as bad as he seems, he can be pretty chill" Sujin shrugged her shoulders. "But Hayuns probably right. We don't know his intentions" Leaving the conversation at that, we all turned our attention back to the teacher who has started the lesson in the mean time.

We were now sitting the the cafeteria, munching on our slices of pizza. I had spotted Minho sitting at a table with Chan. They were laughing. He didn't look mean while he smiled. He was actually kind of cute. I zoned out staring at him, not noticing he was looking back at me with that disgusting smirk on his face. Aeri coughed, nudging my side, pulling me back to reality. I quickly hid my face from Minho's line of sight and cleared my throat. "Oh no Deiji don't tell me you got a crush on him" Hayun said. "Yah! Of course not!" I said back, offended. Why would I have a crush on this dick head. I mentally rolled my eyes and went back to eating my pizza until the bell rang.

"Math class. Here we go" I said to myself after waving my friends goodbye and making my way towards the class room.

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