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I checked my phone. 6:52. I mentally cursed myself. The bus would arrive in 3 minutes. Completely out of breath I arrived at the infamous bus station which was luckily only 2-3 minutes from my house. As soon as I arrived I saw my brother leaning against the pole of a streetlight, one hand on his knee, head down and heavily breathing. I walked towards him and nudged his side with my elbow. "Not that athletic are we?" I said to him, he cocked an eyebrow at me and was about to roast me back but to my luck the bus arrived just in time and I quickly made my way inside, towards one of the free seats. I plopped down and reached into my pocket to pull out my headphones. I put them in and turned the volume up all the way, cause listening to music isn't enough, I need the music to bust my eardrums.

"First day of school again huh" i said to myself leaving the bus, standing in front of the school building. I hesitated before entering through the gates. It was too late to go back home into my bed now. It was the end of our spring break meaning the second half of the school year has started. On one hand I can't wait to see my friends again and meet the new teachers and students but on the other hand it's school. My school wasn't the strictest fortunately but when it came to exams they didn't hold back. Me being the social butterfly I am, I greeted everyone I saw along the way to my first class with a smile.

As soon as I arrived at my class room i already heard my friends screaming at each other. I can't tell y'all what I would to without them. We were like a second family for each other. I peeked my head through the door and to my surprise it was pretty crowded. Usually my chemistry class was pretty empty but today there were barely any seats that weren't taken. I hurried inside the room and was instantly greeted by my 3 best friends Hayun, Sujin and Aeri. A smile lit up all of our faces and we emerged into a group hug. How I love these girls. "DEIJI!" Hayun screamed in my ears causing me to jolt back. "U know I can clearly hear you right we are literally standing next to each other" I said looking at the girl smiling from ear to ear. Hayun was always smiling. She has the brightest personality I have ever seen in anybody. her being the youngest among us we loved her bubbly and cheerful personality. Sujin looked at us and giggled. "How was your break Deiji?" she asked. "Well it was boring I didn't really do anything special. How about yours?" I responded. Aeris eyes suddenly wided as she grabbed ahold of my shoulder. I looked at her confused. "I haven't told you yet!!! I won the championship that I participated in!!!" she cheered while throwing me back and forth. I grabbed her hands and took them off my shoulders. "WHAT THE FUCK??? THE MATHEMATICS THING U TOLD US ABOU??" "YES" Aeri screamed back at me. She was a smart girl. Not only smart but also ambitious, even tho she was sensitive it was hard to get her down. "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!" I cheered and hugged her again. Sujin could only look at us and laugh. She was the oldest one in our little self made family. Sujin was a mature girl. She had a very strong personality and seemed cold from the outside but we all knew she cared about us more than anything else.

Our little reunion was interrupted when the teacher entered the classroom clapping her hands signaling us to go to our seats. Me and Sujin were seat mates. In front of our desk were, of course, Hayun and Aeris seats. The class settled down and Mrs. Hwan welcomed us and explained some stuff about the upcoming school year. I rested my hand on my right palm and listening to what the teacher was telling us. Or at least partially. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that our classes will change and we will get new and different timetables. I couldn't wrap my head around not being in the same class as my besties. Secretly praying to myself that we will share all of our classes just like we did the last year. My thoughts were interrupted by Sujin raising an eyebrow at me. "First day and you're already spacing out? Class is starting you should focus." I looked at her knowing she was right. I gotta give this year my all since qualification phase was coming up in a few months i needed to focus on school. With that i nodded at Sujin and forced my head towards the teacher who was already writing down the new topics on the board. I pulled out my notes and started copying whatever the teacher was writing.

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