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The music started and they instantly snapped into character, executing each move with precision. It was super interesting to see how people came up with a completely different choreography. Their moves were very different from ours. They finished with an ending pose and the room was filled with claps. They did really good and a look at our teacher showed that he thought the same way. "Nice that was a very good start, well done girls!" he congratulated the group. "Who wants to go next?" Me and my group decided to raise our hands since we didn't want to go last and this was a good chance. He signaled us up to the front and we got into position.

The music started playing and I instantly only focused on my movements. I loved dancing in front of a crowd. Even such a small amount of people made my adrenaline rise. When I was on stage, I forgot everyone around me and only focused on myself. There was no way I was gonna mess up anything. Dancing was a way to express yourself and right now that's exactly what we were doing. Swaying our hips to the beat of the song. I knew I had fire in my eyes whenever I danced. One move after another going perfectly as planned. Our groups harmony was crazy, even if we only met 20 minutes ago. I usually didn't like having all eyes on me, but when I'm dancing, the feeling is different.

With that we went into our end pose and as soon as the music stopped, I snapped back into reality, my eyes scanning the people in front of me, as they we're clapping and whistling at our performance. I got up from my kneeling position and bowed before making my way back to my space on the floor. On the way there, my eyes met Minhos. He looked at me with stern eyes, as if he was plotting revenge on the his biggest enemy. I was unfazed. I didn't let him bother me. At least not right now

"Very nice job! Next group please" the teacher proceeded after we sat down. I was rummaging through my bag, searching for my water bottle until felix poked my arm. "look who's up next" he giggled, pointing to the front.
I directed my head to where he was pointing and there he was. Standing in the front, his three other group members behind him, head down, waiting for the music to start.

The first move already made my jaw drop. His eyes had literal thunderstorms in them. I have never seen him so serious before. The way he moved his body to the music, with such sharp, yet flowy moves and the way his presence could take up the entire room. It felt like watching an artist perform their own song on a stage in front of thousands of people. The music was blasting through my ears. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He really was one with the music.. no.. he was the music at this point. His turns, so sharp they could cut paper. I gotta say if there was one thing this boy could do except for being an annoying jackass it was dancing. They finished their performance with a clean ending and silence filled the room. I looked over to felix, to see his jaw almost hanging on the floor. Same bro.

The teacher was the first one to react. "Minho you really are something else" he said, shaking his head, probably not believing his own eyes. Minho shot him a smirk and directed his eyes towards mine. I quickly picked my jaw up from the floor, not wanting him to see how impressed I was. Judging by the cocky wink he gave me, I failed miserably. The group walked back to their spot and the teacher went to the front.
"Okay class, times over for today but we will look at the other performances next lesson. Have a nice weekend" he said dismissing us. I walked back to the couch with Felix, Jake and Yeji to pack my stuff. I was done for today and weekend was finally here again.

"Eh Deiji?" Felix tapped my back. "Can you give me your number?" he said, his cheeks a little tint of red.
"Uh yes sure, give me your phone" I responded, also feeling a little shy. I typed my number into his phone and handed it back to him. "Thanks" he shot me a smile, before waking out of the door. I waved the other two good bye, before grabbing my bag and going as well. Just as I was about to leave the room behind the teacher, someone stopped me.

"Impressed?" I heard that annoyingly pleasing voice behind me. I rolled my eyes, before turning around, to face him. "It was alright, don't get too cocky" I said, trying to sound as cool as I possibly could. "Seemed to be a little more than alright since you were basically drooling over me" he said, with no expression in his face. The guts this guy had. Someone really needed to humble him. "Not over you, over the other guy in your group tho. He's cute, do you think you could get me his number?" I said in an annoyingly sweet tone, thinking i made him come down from his throne but instead of dramatically throwing his hands over his head and falling to his knees like I would have hoped, he scoffed and chuckled at me. "You're unbelievable bad at lying" he said, seeming a little too amused for my liking. "Tsk as if you'd know" I spat back at him. "Oh I definitely do know that you're lying, look at how red your cheeks are" he said, grabbing my chin and turning it towards the mirror. He moved his lips closer to my ears and whispered "your heart beat gives it away"

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