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I shoved my phone back into my pocket and continued with my walk. I was still pretty far from being home so i began to walk a little faster to not upset my dad even more. Suddenly I hard a noise. It sounded like a thump. The sun was now completely down which didn't make this situation pleasing. My neighborhood wasn't very criminal so I shouldn't have to worry about getting kidnapped or abducted. I kept waking trying to keep calm when suddenly I heard a voice. A voice very close to me. I stopped walking. I was right before passing another of those creepy ass alleyways. I didn't like the fact that there was a voice coming from an alleyway which I was going to pass ALONE in the darkness so I remained where I was for a second. The voice kept talking but I couldn't figure out what it was. Curiosity kills the cat am I right? I inched closer to the entry of the alleyway. I still couldn't make up what the voice was saying, probably thanks to my damaged ears from blasting music through my headphones 24/7. Suddenly there was a loud noise again. It sounded like someone cracked their knuckles just way louder. Then silence.

I knew damn well I shouldn't be here. I felt a little safer due to the fact that i did kickboxing for multiple years so I wasn't as easy to take down as I looked. The feeling of safety was probably mostly from the knife i was carrying on my keychain tho. Safety first. I took a deep breath and dared to sneak my head around the corner a little to see what was going on. It was hard to see since the alleyway was even darker and it took my eyes a little to adjust to the darkness but as soon as my eyes did, I couldn't help but gasp. I slammed my hand over my mouth and pulled my head around the corner again clenching the cold stonewall with my other hand. There was a man laying on the floor with his neck twisted and blood streaming from his stomach. I couldn't believe what I just saw. My stomach started twisting and I could feel the panic crawling up my spine. I just saw someone get killed. Or is he dead? How did he die? Can I still help him? Questions started flooding my head and without thinking twice I ran into the alleyway and crouched down next to the man. "What the fuck" I whispered. Now I didn't mind seeing blood or something but looking at a man with a twisted neck, blood spilled all over him was a different topic. I ran in here with the thought of calling an ambulance to safe him but looking at the view in front of me there was nothing to be saved.

Do I still call the police? I was asking myself while still looking down at the body in shock. I probably should. I reached into my pocket to pull my phone out, only to feel emptiness in my pocket. I started searching every pocket I had trying to find my phone. "Shit" I cursed. I'm 100% sure I put it in my pocket after I called my dad. Am I going crazy? I turned around to search for my phone on the floor in case I dropped it but the second i turned my head I was met with a pair of eyes staring straight into mine.


I screamed from the top of my lungs, picking myself up from the ground as fast as I possibly could, almost tripping over and falling again. My screams stopped. Not because I stopped screaming but because there was a hand pressing down on my mouth and another hand holding something to my throat. I didn't dare to move. I was pushed up against the cold brickwall, my eyes pressed shut not daring to even breath. "What do we have here?" I heard a voice say. My blood froze. I carefully opened my eyes only to be met with the same pair of terrifying eyes from a few seconds ago. A man was standing in front of me, his hand covering my mouth so i couldn't scream, talk and almost not breathe. "Why are u here so late little one? Don't you know it's dangerous for a girl to walk around alone?" the man almost whispered. I was frozen. My head was spinning. What was gonna happen to me. Was this really gonna be my last moment? I didn't want to die.

"Tell me!" He snapped, pressing the knife closer to my throat, removing his hands from my mouth. "If you scream you're dead meat" he threatened. "please don't kill me" you managed to get out. The man smirked. "What gives me a reason not to?" he asked, still having that disgusting smirk plastered on his face. You didn't answer. You had no answer. What gives him a reason to not kill you. No one would find out. You gulped, your throat scraping against the blade of his knife. "That's what I thought" the man whispered. "Why don't we make your last moments a little enjoyable hm?" The man said putting his free hand on my waist. My eyes widened. He was gonna kill me. And even worse he would use my body before he was gonna kill me. Instantly my survival instincts kicked in. I lifted my leg and kicked the man in front of me where the sun don't shine. He groaned crouching on the floor. I quickly backed away from the wall grabbing the knife, attached to my key chain. "You're making this worse than it would have been darling" the man growled before lifting his head to look at me.

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