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I slowly opened my eyes to face my room only being lit up the the setting sun. "Oh damn I must have fallen asleep" I said to myself before sitting up on the bed and grabbing my phone to check the time. It was only 4:15. I must have only slept for like an hour then, I thought to myself. Well that means there's still enough time to skate for a bit. I stood up and grabbed my skating bag out of my closet. I threw in my skates, a towel, some water and an extra hoodie. I dressed in thermo leggings and a zip up hood before knocking on my brothers door. Once again I didn't get any response so I opened the door just to see nobody in the room. "He must have went out to get the groceries" I remembered. I left the house after putting on my shoes and grabbing the keys and made my way towards the rink. It wasn't too cold outside but it surely wasn't warm.

As I was waking down the streets, I was listening to my favorite song. Music really is something different for me. Nothing can make my head as blank as listening to music, it's kind of like an escape from reality. I reached the huge arena and walked towards the door. I unlocked it and locked it again once I entered. It was empty, not a single sound to be heard. Usually there were people with families laughing at each other falling on the ice or our local hockey team training for the next championship but during this time there was no one. How I even got the keys? My dad is friends with the owner. They have known each other for years so he allows me to use the empty ice rink from time to time since he knew my passion about ice skating. Walking through the gate the cold of the arena hit me. I shivered a little before waking towards the empty stadium with the huge ice rink in the middle of it. I took a deep breath of the cold air and smiled. How I loved this feeling.

I quickly sat down at one of the thousands of empty seats and changed into my ice skates. I pulled of the protective cover and made my way towards the ice. I carefully stepped a foot on it and pushed myself over the slippery surface. Instantly, I felt relieved. There was no feeling like this. Gliding over the ice without a thought in my head, just enjoying the feeling of freedom, with my favorite music filling my body. This was the feeling I would kill for. I started gaining speed and going faster with each step I took. The cold air hitting my face. I've been doing this since I can't even remember. When I was little my mother used to teach me how to ice skate. We would always come to the rink every Thursday and practice.

Feeling connected to the ice, I started doing spins and jumps which i knew by heart. Flying through the air with the sound of my skates hitting the ice as i land. Letting the coldness fill my body as I was putting my everything into skating. I started slowing down again taking in my surroundings like I always do. There was really not a single soul in the building. It was just me and the ice. I laid down in the middle of the rink looking up to the ceiling. The Ice beneath my body sending shivers over my arms. I closed my eyes. I enjoyed being alone, especially here. There was just something about this place that had a special place in my heart. No other place made me feel this way.

Taking my phone out of my pocket I was a little surprised to see that 2 hours had already passed. Dad would probably be home by now. "He's probably hungry waiting for me to cook dinner" I thought to myself. I decided to get up from the cold floor and made my way towards the end on the rink, stepping onto the concrete floor again. I quickly changed into my normal shoes and cleaned my skates off with the towel I brought. With one last look i turned off the lights and left the building, of course locking the door again and putting the keys back in my pocket.

The sun has already set and it was starting to get pretty dark even though you could still see pretty well. I made my way home again, while listening to music like I usually do. There was hardly a time you weren't listening to music. Walking past the dimly lit streetlights allowed you to get a view inside empty alleyways which made you not the most comfortable. Passing by alley after alley I came to the realization how freaking long this street actually was. Even if it only took 20 minutes from your house to the rink, this street was probably 15 minutes of the entire walk. You checked the time once again. 6:45 it said. "It's still pretty early" I thought. Then I noticed my dad had called me multiple times. Oh no. I quickly called him back, picking up my pace a little. "YAH DEIJI" my dad said through the phone. "I'm sorry dad I went to the rink I forgot to tell you but I told Soobin." I said hoping for mercy. "Next time at least leave a note or something I was worried and why the hell are you not picking up your phone???" he asked annoyed. "I'm sorryyy it was on silent it won't happen again. I'm on my way home" I responded. "Alright hurry it's getting dark" "Yes I will be there in a bit" I said and hung up.

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