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"Nervous?" Felix asked me, looking at me through the mirror. I shrugged. "Not really.. should I be?" I responded. "Depends"
"what do you mean depends?" I asked. I was definitely not expecting that. I thought he would maybe be a little reassuring. "Can you dance?" He asked which made me giggle. "I don't think I would be here If I couldn't". He grinned. "I've been dancing since I was little. It has always been my passion. I used to always dream about standing on a big stage in front of thousands of people" I smile to myself and continued talking "but that's just a little kids dream"

Felixs eyes were now on me. I looked to the side to face him and just as he was about to speak the door opened. Students started walking in, accompanied by who I assume to be our dance teacher for this year. Felix smiled at me. The smile wasn't like the one he gave me when we met. He almost seemed sad now. I tried to brush the thought off and focus on whatever the teacher was gonna make us do.

"Okay class lets start by doing some warm up before we get into it" the teacher exclaimed and everyone started doing some stretching on their own. I found my place a little more to the side of the room and began stretching as well. I really haven't danced in a while, well except for ice skating if you count that in. Dancing used to be one of my biggest passions, but sadly I lost my focus on it due to school and work coming up. I was really looking forward to this class, especially with felix since that would meant I'd get to know him a little better. I shot the blonde boy a glance and as expected he was also stretching. I looked around the room to see everyone doing their own exercises. The people here seemed to be taking this seriously. No one was talking with each other. Was it always like this or is it just because it's the first time the people here meet?

"Okay that should be enough, if you're not warmed up already please proceed somewhere, where you won't disturb the rest of the class" the teacher said, raising his hand and pointing to the corner of the big room.
"So since nobody here knows each other and this is supposed to be a team, we're gonna do a little game to introduce ourselves" the teacher suggested. "I'll be playing music, while you will be walking around the room and whenever the music stops you're gonna find yourself in groups of whatever number I call out" He looked around the room to see if everyone was still following him. "Then you're gonna get 20 minutes to come up with a little Choreography to show the others. Now don't get too worked up over it! The point here isn't to win an award, it's just to get the team flow in a litt-"

The door swung open, interrupting the teacher. He was now facing the entrance to the room and sighted. "Yah Lee Minho" he began annoyed. "Can't you ever be on time?".
"Sorry Mr. Kwon" Minho lazily said and made his way towards where the other students were located. I was facing the floor, not wanting to meet his eyes. This guy seriously thinks he owns the school and everyone in it. Can't he have some manners for once jesus.

I mentally rolled my eyes and shot felix a small glance. He was looking back at me with a question mark written over his face. It didn't take a genius to figure out he was thinking the same. After Minho found a spot between the other students the teacher could finally finish his instructions.

"So as I was saying... This is just for team work so don't try too hard. Minho you're probably warmed up already from running here and figuring the game out, is up to you" he finished talking, before signaling us to start walking. Once everyone was in motion and the music was blasting, I decided to scooch over to Felix a little since I sort of didn't want to be in a group with only strangers. He seemed to be noticing my intention and smiled, before also walking towards me. We ended up waking like that for a little while, until the music stopped playing.

"groups of 4!" mr. kwon shouted and I quickly looked around the room. Next to me where Felix, a girl I had never seen before, and a guy who seemed to be knowing felix, since he launched himself towards him. I looked at the girl and waved her over to our little group. Now we were four. "Oi Felix! It's been a while hasn't it mate" the boy began speaking, giving felix a bro hug. "Jake! I didn't even realize you went to this school mate!" Felix responded. Me and the girl looked at each other shyly. "Uhm hi, my name is Deiji, nice to meet you" I said slightly bowing. "Ah yes. I'm Yeji, nice to meet you too" she said, returning the bow.

"So on 5 you're gonna put your arms up like this, you see?" Felix tried instructing me. I followed his steps and we lined up perfectly. "Yah this looks great!" Yeji chanted. We started laughing and went back into our beginning position. I checked the room to get inspiration from the other groups. They were all doing great. This class really was full of talented people. My eyes met Minho. He was in a group with a boy and two girls. They seemed to be having fun.

"Deiji!" someone snapped their fingers in front of my face, pulling me back to reality. "Stop spacing out dummy, we wanna go over it again" Jake said to me, laughing at my startled face. "Ah yes my bad my bad" I apologized quickly before counting down form 3.
We went over the choreography one last time and it looked very clean I gotta say. I really liked Yeijis dancing style. The way she flows with the music while still making her moves sharp was impressive.

Our little group session was interrupted, by the teacher clapping his hands. "Okay attention students! Time is over now, I would like to look at your choreographies so please sit down at the wall" He instructed and we all followed. We were now all facing the mirror. "Okay is there any group that would like to go first?" mr. kwon asked. A group of 4 girls raised their hands. They all looked very fit. The teacher signaled them to get to the front and sat down with us.

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