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I was woken up by the sound of someone knocking on my door. "mh" i mumbled sleepy, moving my head around a little. "Deiji you need to get ready for school"
Ah, yea. School. I forgot about that. I sat straight up, grabbing my neck. "Yea I'm up ty". Getting out of bed I forgot about my strained ankle from last night. So it really wasn't a dream. I tried walking a little which actually worked better than I expected. It still hurt a bit but it was doable. I opened my closet and pulled out a pair of baggy, olive green cargos and a cropped long sleeve. I dressed myself before going to the bathroom. My brother was already done getting ready so I had no one nagging me this morning at least.

After doing my usual morning routine I walked down the stairs which actually hurt a little more in my ankle but I got down one way or another. "Dads already off to work" Soobin said from the couch while scrolling through his phone. I only nodded and grabbed some cereal and a bowl. I sat down at the kitchen Island slurping my Cereal. "What time is it?" I asked my brother. "7am" he calmly said. I almost choked on my cereal. "are you kidding me???? we missed the bus already how are you chilling on the couch when school starts in 30 minutes??" I said in disbelief. "Chill, I'll drive us to school because of your ankle. Finish your food and we'll leave" he said laughing at my confused face. I sighted and continued eating my cereal. Once I finished I put the bowl in the sink and signaled my brother that we could leave. Putting on my wind breaker and grabbing my bag along with my keys we left the house. Despite being only one and a half years older than me, my brother already had his own car. It was a white audi which looked pretty fucking cool I gotta say. I hoped in the passenger seat and my brother took off to school.

When we arrived at school, my brother threw me out at the front gate, since he still had to find a parking lot. I was not looking forward to this day. I checked my papers and closed my eyes and took a deep breath after realizing what the first class was. PE. great. Knowing that the class would meet up in front of the gym I made my way there slowly not wanting to strain my ankle even more. Once I arrived I saw some students already waiting. I decided to sit down onto some random stone close to the rest of the group and scroll through social media a little. Then something caught my eye. "Man found dead in an alleyway" my eyes widened. "Shit" I cursed. Of course the police were gonna find the dead bodies. I'm silently praying to myself that there won't be any fingerprints or signs of me in general there.

I looked up and saw Hayun and Sujin sprinting towards me. "DEIJI" they both screamed at the same time, startling me. "What happed?? Your dad was calling us last night asking if you were with us." Sujin said, looking worried. Oh great now I gotta lie to those two as well. "Oh yeah don't worry I just strained my ankle on the way home from the rink so it took me some time to get home but it's fine" I said smiling at them, hoping they would eat it up. And luckily they did. Sujin hit the back of my head "Yah be more careful next time!" she scolded me. I rubbed the back of my head grinning. "So I'm guessing you won't be participating in PE then?" hayun asked me. I shook my head.

The two helped me up and we walked towards the gym which the teacher opened a few minutes ago. I waited for the two girls to get changed and we made our way inside the big hall. I scanned the room looking for the teacher to explain my situation to him but instead of my teacher I met eyes with someone I didn't need to be seeing today. He looked at me and smirked. I just rolled my eyes and looked away. He's a dickhead, why is he even here. I kept looking for the teacher when I finally saw him setting up the plan for today. "Uh hello mr. Sangeon, I unfortunately can't participate today since I strained my ankle yesterday." I said pointing down to my ankle. He looked me up and down and nodded. "Alright take a seat on the bench and go see a doctor if it doesn't get better in the next few days" he responded. I bowed and made my way towards the bench as he told me to. As soon as I sat down, he clapped his hands signaling everyone to take a seat. I was sitting on a bench across the one where all the other students were sitting. I waved at my two friends getting a small wave and a smile back from them.

"Alright class I hope you are all motivated and ready to start into the day energized. Today we will be playing Dodgeball!" the teacher announced in a loud voice. You could tell he loves his job, but after hearing the world Dodgeball I was almost glad the bastard that tried to kill me strained my ankle.

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