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"And that's what happened." I finished explaining.

They looked between each other. It was such a weird, amazing story from the past.
From a past in a timeline miles and miles away.
As I stretched my stiff back due to the hard throne, the Tails and Knuckles from my timeline were very quiet, until the laugh of Tails cut it short.

"Exeller has to be so weak to be defeated by a single mortal. If the fight had occured between that piece of alive meat and I, it would be easy to guess who would win." He said proudly.

"Kinda easy: He would." Knuckles teased the dark grey fox.
Tails showed his sharp teeth full of blood.
"Do you want your skin in my teeth?" Again his anger issues were flourishing.

"Do you want a sedative in your body? What did I told you about your outbursts of anger?" The echidna threatened.

The fox bit the air as a threat, but Knuckles grabbed him by his shoulders.

"Enough from you two. If you wanna fight, go to another place and get out of my sight." I scoffed threathening, pointing the exit of the throne room.

"Whatever." Tails slapped Knuckles' hands from his shoulders and flew away, visibly annoyed.
Knuckles followed him very close.
When I stopped hearing their steps in the hallway, I got off my throne and left the room, absorbed in my thoughts. The guilt was actually eating me up inside.

"I should have told the truth since the start.
But it was painful to let him know that his reality got destroyed. His friends all died there. He was the only survivor of that massacre.
Thank demons I sent him to a place where he could be happy with his friends, and live the normal life us demons couldn't.
Even if his world is fake, he is happy.
A hard truth will always hurt way more than a lie that still satisfies you.
Even if what I did wasn't the best option, at least that mortal is happy...

...As long he lives covered in the protection of my lie...

...We will be safe."

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