Chapter 15: Lost hope.

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"Knuckles! Answer already!" Sally repeated desperately, while she tried to locate our friends.

I had the feeling that no one was going to contact us. They had all died.
We could smell blood from miles away. I had heard Tails' screams. I had spied on Knuckles and Amy and seen how they had been eaten; I had felt the tremor of the earth when the Chaotix had been crushed.
But I didn't want to worry Sally.
She sure knew about the others' deaths, but…she just didn't want to accept it.
All those copies had stopped summoning. That made us easier to defeat the missing ones.
Exebi had also left the scene; he had sunk back into the earth, returning from the hell he came from. After all, his task was done.
We had finished with the last copies. I heard something I missed since this nightmare started.
A silence that was only interrupted by my hasty breathing and Sally's.
I never liked to stay still, but this was the first and last time I felt good by stopping.
We have just done with this nightmare.
Exeller was no long at the sky, enjoying the views, full of blood, suffering and death.
We were alone.
We had finished the worst adventure of our lives.

"Sally..." I looked into her blue eyes.
Our gazes met. For us, it didn't matter anymore what happened before arriving into Exeller's trap.
The explosions. The crash. The monsters.
Everything of that was irrelevant.
We had finally the opportunity to see ourselves.

Sally looked at me.
She was as shocked, exhausted and relieved as me.
I grabbed her hands. I felt our fingers intertwining, bringing our hands together that if it wasn't for the blood dripping from them, the warm, tight grip that joined us might have been perfect.
And heart couldn't do it anymore.
I felt my eyesight blurry, and a wet feeling ran through my cheeks and fell to the floor as drops.
I lowered my head and closed my eyes.
I couldn't ruin such a perfect moment with my cowardice.
I felt Sally getting closer to me, and her hands slipped from mine. Her arms wrapped around my body. I felt her chin resting on my shoulder, her auburn hair stroking my neck, and what had started as a simple handshake ended in a warm hug that took me back to my childhood, when we were kids playing oblivious to the problems of the first war we suffered.
I sobbed under the warmth and protection of my childhood friend, until something stopped my sadness and turned it into curiosity when I heard a sharp sound and felt a liquid slipping between us and pieces coming off of Sally's body, which didn't even emit a sigh or grunt of pain.
I only felt something on my neck: a kiss that slipped from my skin and stained my clothes in crimson.
I separated her from me, although she was still in my arms: I was holding Sally's limp body, which was bleeding from the mouth and neck, sliced ​​by a thin but deep line that ran down huge amounts of scarlet to the ground, staining her blue jacket and her long hair.

I separated her from me, although she was still in my arms: I was holding Sally's limp body, which was bleeding from the mouth and neck, sliced ​​by a thin but deep line that ran down huge amounts of scarlet to the ground, staining her blue jacket...

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I wanted to keep crying. My soul was screaming at me to let my sadness out of my heart.
But I had no more tears.
The disgust towards demons, the thirst for revenge, the rancor towards Exeller... grew and grew until I thought I would die from the emotional pain that consumed me.
I felt the energy of him behind me. He was there. I thought I would be vulnerable prey now that no one was by my side.
I turned. Exeller had a huge ball of dark energy in his hands.
Now it was different.
He had obtained the power of the Chaos Emeralds; something easy to distinguish from his new form, due to the yellow and purple halos that surrounded him and the golden color of his quills.

"I would have loved to keep playing, but you alone isn't funny at all. It was an amazing experience though...Now, DIE!"

I looked down.
The ball flew fastly towards me...
...But I was faster.
I skillfully grabbed the ball of energy. In my normal form, it could have burnt my whole arm, but I wasn't normal anymore.
My eyes looked at the demon, who couldn't do anything but watch how his plan just got screwed by me.

"Heh...So, Dark Sonic, huh?" He muttered after seeing my new, powerful form. "Guess this is getting interesting."

"Didn't you wanted to enjoy more?" I muttered in response, my eyes always at the front.

"...Then, let's play a little more."

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