Chapter 24 - Green Eyes

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"I'm happy for you guys!" Jean said, looking at you both with pride. "Speaking from experience, dating your friend is pretty great." He shook the arm around Mikasa's shoulder, who rolled her eyes at her enthusiastic boyfriend.

Regardless, she agreed, saying, "I don't know what took you so long. You guys are inseparable."

Mikasa and Jean merely shrugged as the first witnesses. They recounted the night of Jean's birthday by bringing up how close you danced, how often you kissed, and how busy your hands were. You knew there was no hiding when it came to those two. Jean was just as close to Eren as you were to Mikasa.

Your friend's support warmed your heart, and you didn't hide the loving gaze of your interlocked hands under the lunch table. You felt proud of yourself and proud of Eren for making it to what felt like the finish line. When you traced your eyes back up to Eren's face, the smile on his face told you he felt the same.

Your mind wandered back from the past as Eren wiggled his fingers between yours, bringing you to the present. Suddenly, the sounds of the busy morning halls flooded your senses. Slamming lockers, early rough-housing, and loud laughter filled your ears to remind you where you stood. "What are you thinking about, love?" he asked, leading you down the hallway where both your lockers were located.

The feeling suddenly made you feel nostalgic, already missing this shared space. It had been three years of walking down the same hallway to pack your bags and throw on your coats. May was already halfway over and you only had a few weeks left of your high school life. You even missed the memories of those awkward years of junior high and the innocence of elementary school, already mourning for the ways things used to be.

Eren still waited for your answer as he led you to your locker first. You don't know why you kept him guessing for so long when the answer was so obvious. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down to your level for a kiss. You were still shy to make the first move but every once in a while, you mustered up the courage. With a sigh, you answered, "Us."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

After school, you sat with Eren on a park bench looking over a large hill. Between you two were the remnants of some fast food and in front of you was a valley at the edge of town. You enjoyed the light spring air that brushed the hair off your shoulders as you closed your eyes. You hadn't been to this particular area in a long time. This hill was known for sledding and hill rolling and races up and down the peak. At the bottom was the little elementary school you grew up at where the wooden playground had since been replaced. When you opened your eyes, you saw that Eren was watching you and enjoying the view.

"You do that a lot," you said, maintaining strong eye contact.

His smile was so soft you thought you could fall asleep staring at him.

You still had your question in the back of your mind from earlier in the morning. It bugged you throughout the day. It was something you never thought you'd have to wonder about. You worried about asking the question, worried that it would make you seem presumptuous. Most of all you worried about his answer and how he was already keeping it close to his chest.

You swallowed hard, looking down the hill again, watching the children run around at the playground. "Are you graduating, Eren?"

Eren looked down and you felt your heart ping at the look of shame he had on his face. His expression alone was all you needed to understand where he stood. You knew pity was the last thing he would want you to feel for him so you kept a strong face, still keeping your eyes down the hill.

He finally answered as the wind took his voice and carried it away from you. "No. Not this year."

You nodded, absorbing the finality of his voice. It was a delicate moment and you wanted to be careful of the further questions. "That's...that's too bad. I'm really sorry, Eren." The shock still hadn't settled in.

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