Chapter 6: Prisoner and saved

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2 years passed ever since HYDRA kidnapped me, I wondered if the avengers would try to find me, I thought about what they did to loki. 

did they kill him? send him to jail? I wondered for 2 years. HYDRA experimented on me, and cut off my arm that was stabbed since the wound was too great and replaced it with a metal arm, I could master the elements like water, fire, earth and air. 

'test subject 890' was my name in HYDRA. I was the only one who survived the experiments, there was 890 people who was experimented, including me. 

I had a pain that lasted for 1 month and a half, I made friends with one of the test subjects but they died 5 days after they came here. once a day we go outside to the prison grounds to get fresh air, I usually bring a book to amuse myself, while the other cellmates fight or play. once I got into a fight after I said no a game of basketball. like......what?


I was stuck in my cell and wearing a jacket to cover my metal arm, I was making pictures using my elements when I heard an enormous bang and heard the alarms go off. I sit up, confused. had a prisoner escaped? 

I looked out a tiny window pointing outside and saw someone pointing his hand In Front of my cell. I jump into a corner as I watched the cell wall blow to pieces.

 I looked up to see tony stark, 'At long last, stark!" I call out, Tony hugged me and brought me to the 'Avengers' tower. 'wow, we've found you, after 2 years" Natasha smiled, everyone greeted me happily.

 'wait, where's loki, thor?" I ask him. 'what? oh, he's in his room, he misses you ever since you went missing" thor pointed to loki's room. I got some grapes and a cup of orange juice and went into loki's room and saw him with his head on a desk.

 'hey" I poked loki  awake, he sadly looked up and saw me, he stared at me for a few seconds and hugged me. 'I-I thought you went missing" he said as he hugged me, 'only for 2 years" I say, pushing him away.

 'and I don't hug people a lot, I just got a bone crushing hug by thor not too long ago" loki sat on his bed and asked if I could go out, 'thor told me that you missed me" I said 'he lies" loki said and pushed me outside his room. thor then called me to tell what happened on the years I've been in HYDRA.

 he also went into loki's room and dragged him out to make him listen to my story. I told them how they treated me, and that they experimented on me.

 'remember my arm that got cut?" I asked everyone, I took off my jacket and showed them my metal arm. everyone looked at me in shock, especially thor and loki, "Also I have powers now' I continued, I noticed a glass of water and with a wave of my hand, it floated in the air and I turned it into a shark, a fish, and I let it land back into the glass cup.

 everyone clapped and I showed them what I could do, I made steve float using  air element, lit a fire in my hands using the fire element and had to take the avengers outside to the park to show them my earthbending skills.

 after I ate a proper dinner for the first time in 2 years, you went to your old room and fell asleep.


the door opened but you didn't notice since you were asleep, loki emerged from behind the door to look at me, he then walks to the side of the bed and then kissed my forehead and left.

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