Chapter 10: all this just for an arm

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the next day I woke up and looked at my shoulder, which was missing of an arm. I groaned and got up, and decided to go get a new one, I knew a person who could give me an arm, she lived in china. I'm talking about cho, I "borrowed" the quinjet to go to china.


"hey, cho! I need a new arm, it broke when I was fighting...." I entered her lab to see ultron, and 2 enhanced, a boy and a girl. ultron looked stronger than ever. "you w-were the one who made barton wounded!" I shouted at the boy.

 he looked confused, I looked at the girl and said nothing, I didn't see her before. cho looked a bit weird, blue eyes.  when I met her, her eyes were black, "oh, great" I looked in ultrons hand and saw loki's scepter, "I'm screwed" I muttered. I couldn't use my powers because ultron would kill me, So I tried running away, but the boy got me and made me sit down on the floor.

 "damn, so your fast?" I asked the boy, "shut up" the boy said. I later found out that the boy's name is Pietro and girl girl's name is wanda. her powers is controlling things and mind reading. I wondered if anyone knew were I was.


I couldn't find charlotte anywhere, I looked in her room, too. but she wasn't there, I went to thor and asked if he saw her. "have you seen charlotte? she is not anywhere to be found!" I asked him worried, "lady harper? no, no I-I haven't seen her since morning" thor said. I went to my room and broke down in tears, I never thought she will leave me. I sat on my bed, hoping she turn up in an hour or 2.

 but a whole day passed and she never came.

 thor came to my room with grapes, "I brought you grapes, brother-" I knocked them out of his hand. "ONLY SHE IS ALLOWED TO COME IN MY ROOM" I hissed, thor looked at me and said calmly "we found her, brother" I got to my feet and asked "where? WHERE?!" thor brought me to the living room.

 "she is captured by ultron, remember that guy? the guy I made" tony said. "HE TOOK HER? THAT MAN?" I shouted angrily, taking him by the throat. "BROTHER STOP IT!" thor yelled, I dropped tony and breathed hard.

 "I haven't seen her since yesterday, you better get her back. she is my everything" I said. "We'll get her back, loki, just calm down" tony said. "she's in china, but she took the quinjet, we have another one in the basement." Agent romanoff said.



a day passed and the avengers still didn't come, ultron was making a new body, and they gave a close watch over me and put some chains on me that will electrocute me  if I try to use my powers, I made friends with wanda, but Pietro stayed away from me. I missed loki, I wondered if he gone crazy without me. He always told me that I am his everything. He was always a softie to me, but to anyone else, he is a villain, today ultron told me to get up get up and get in a truck.

 "AHHHH!" wanda screamed I quickly looked around and saw that she touched the cradle and read it's mind. "how could you?" she asked ultron, "do what?" he asked, "you said that you'll improve the world, not destroy it!" "the human race will have every opportunity to improve!" while they were talking I saw wanda use her powers on cho, she un-hypnotized her.

 "now, doctor cho, please bring the cradle" ultron said, he saw her disconnect the cradle, he groaned and then shot her. "CHO!" I screamed, wanda and pietro ran away.

 "Aw, GUYS!" ultron calls after them. "they'll learn, they'll learn" ultron mumbled. "enemy plane coming" a robotic voice said. "the avengers" I smiled. "no, no, NO! GET IN THE TRUCK, CHARLOTTE!" ultron shouted at me, grabbing me by the arm.      

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